problems solved

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for two days we were talking on the phone eith duncan cause he was working, he started this part time job. we weren't like to cheesy couples who talks on the phone about how much they love each other, we were being sarcastic, and joking about everything, sometimes we were just gossiping, and we even talked to each other when we felt horny. dinner ew me, try not to do it when you're talking to this sexy criminal with a mohawk and a cute attitude. hehe.

on tuesday night I was laying on my bed thinking abiut the things I did today. then I heard sometimes on my window, it was duncan! he literally climbed a tree and hanged on my window...

I git up and opened the window, he got in and closed it.

"oh god, I've missed you so much princess!"

"I missed you too babe."

oh and I didn't mentioned he broke up with courtney. but trent keeps texting me. what? I can't upset the guy.

"can we cuddle tonight?"

"hell yes!"

he took off his shirt, and I took off mine, we love a lil skin- okay if there are kids reading this- stop! I can't just-...

we layed on the bed, I put my head on his chest and we cuddled. my door was locked, and in the morning, he left the house from window and I opened my door. my mom was standing she looked upset.

"sup mom?"

"um, I'm not gonna lie gwendolyn, I've been a teenager and I know what a locked door means."

"oh god-"

"things might not be working with duncan but don't hurt yourself, you can tell me everything"

"so I'm going to start with the truth about this, duncan came to my room from window, don't worry we didn't had sex, we just cuddled and sleep"

"wow- so um- thank you for your honesty."

"your welcome."

we went to the kitchen, kids were there. jack said,

"oh, duncan left?"

"so everyone knows except me?!" mom said.

"jake how-"

"you guys are not being that quiet."


we ate breakfast and all that mom left to drop them at school. I was watching tv then someone knocked the door. I opened it, it was trent-

"hey gwen!" he had his guitar with him, he walked inside and said

"I need to tell you something ."

"umm.. okay." I closed the door and walk to him. he cleared his trough and started to sing,

"beautiful angel, shining bright
can't take my eyes off your dark blue eyes
your eyes are a deep space, it's like Im walking on a long ride that is worth it, like a dream that ends you laying in my arms-"

"please- stop..I can't- I shouldn't be listening this." he stopped for a second and kissed me... I stepped back an told him to leave. but it haunted me I felt like it was my fault.

so I decided to tell duncan about it incase trent turns out to be a insane guy and tells duncan so he broke up with me. that's possible.

at night I told duncan to come here. he was waiting outside when I saw him, I didn't know how he'd react so I already had tears in my eyes. I didn't wanted to lose him.

"what's wrong gorgeous?" he put his hand on my cheek and smiled to me..

"trent came over today." his smile faded away.

"he wrote me a song, and... h-he- he kisses me." he gave me a blank look.

"but it's not what you think I pushed him away and told him to leave, I didn't-" duncan strarted to walk to his car, I screamed behind him, but it didnt worked I opened the door and get a paper from the box in the entering. then I runned to him and grabbed his arm, he looked like he was gonna kill me so I take my hand of and started to read the paper with my crakcing voice.

"h-hey gwen, I'm writing this letter cause I don't have anything to give you for your birthday, happy birthday. I thought this would be a nice gift for your 15th birthday. I listed 13 things I love about you.
1- I love your hair, it presents your colorfull personality.
2- I love your smile, you can light up a whole room.
3- I love your eyes.
5-I love your style.
6- I love your sence of humor.
7- I love your giggles.
8-I love your personality.
9-I love your family,lol.
10-I love your drawings.
11-I love your room.
12-I love your little kisses you put on my cheeks
13-I love how you stand for yourself and others
14-I love that you always have my back
15-I love you, gwen
you'll always be my bestfriend I can even marry you when we grow up,haha. I hope you'll like my idea.cause I can do this every year.."

he was looking to the ground, he bite his lip and say,

"you kept that..?"

"yes duncan cause I read this every moment I'm sad, you, your words make me happy. And I know you are protective maybe jealous about me, but there's no other when I have you with me.. believe it or not. please don't leave me because of a meaningless stupid kiss that I didn't even allow to last a second."

"I trust you..I overreacted.. sorry it just wasn't a good day and I blo-

"hey- hey let's just forget this happened.. do you want to- maybe cuddle with me and tell me about your day..?"

"you always find a way to make me happy. thank you for excepting me, I don't deserve you."

"we are not in a movie pumpkin, why are we literally creating a scene?"

"haha, you're right ma lady"

"you need to pick a nickname, you keep changing it."

"how about I call you my wife-" I hit his arm and we laughed.

"you little perv! let's go to my room and hug already!"

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