not a fairytale

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As we lay outside on the grass around night-time I can't hold my feeling anymore, I get up and lean closer to him, I'm scared that he is going to push me away but when I see his face- that's when I wake up.

"wake up Gwen!" Jake yelled at my doorway.

I grunted and got up,  I have this dream for about two weeks straight and it always ends up that the way at the end.I get up very in a bad mood cause my dream never shows the end of it. I jump into the shower, as fast as I can. The bus was a little bit late today cause the rain was falling down way bad.I ran downstairs stealing my brother Jake's apple and kissing my mom.

"Bye!" I yelled. I heard Jack saying "give it back." Calmly,while I was laughing and running like a 5 year old kid  to the bus. I always get on the bus first, cause Linda(driver) is my moms close friend and her house is near. I love Linda she's so nice to me and others.

"got you an apple." I throw the apple to Linda and laugh right after it, she joined me and said, "someone woke up late,huh?"                                                                                                                                                                                 "and someone arriwed late?"                                                                                                                                                                        "okay that's a win-win" I smiled and sit in one of the five the backseats. I looked at my phone. There was three messages, one was from Beth. "send this to 10 friend or your crush gets a girl/boyfriend" um he already does.. and the other was from Bridgett. "hey girly did you get on the bus?" I aswered her as fast as I can "just did, why?" then I see someone was standing in front of me, when I look up I saw Bridgett reading my text and behind her there was Geoff and Leshawna. They went for the double seats, Leshawna was waiting for Harold and Geoff was waiting for Bridgett, they waved at me and I wave back at them. Anyways I turned to Bridgett for my answer, she was doing the cute sad puppy face and she said,

"cause I was going to beg you to wear hot pink so we match!" hot pink- like can't even say anything-       "hot pink? Gross- noo" she rolled her eyes and went to sit with Geoff .

I was sitting alone- don't worry nothing new.

Then I remembered I didn't read the last message.

"hey beautie, u still up? :)" IT WAS HIM..why do I have to sleep early when this happens??? I literally couldn't even answer Duncan and left it on read.

Duncan was my best friend since 5th grade and he was dating this girl named Courtney since 8th grade. And I was okay with it till this month. I think I started to feel more but it's so complicated. I told Leshawna and Bridgett so can help me with it, but they're hands are tied too. Since that I'm listening those cheesy love songs from Taylor Swift which is the literal opposite of what I always used to listen.I couldn't hold myself and put my ipods on.and guess what I listened? You can't believe me. I opened Taylor Swift-you belong with me.

I turned my head to the window and started to watch birds, happy and free to do whatever they want to.

And nightmare happened.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, it scared the shit out of me. When I gasped a little, I turned my head- IT WAS DUNCAN-um, pff- it was duncan.

I put a lil smile on my face and took one ipod off.

"did I scare you? Cause that's what I was going for."

"haha, you got me badboy" I put my hands up then he pretend like he was handcuffing me. It waas funny. Till I remember what I was listening- shittt.

He said "what u listenin to" I quickly change the song to alien sex friend- I walk the line. "sick song!" he was smiling then he realized what I did. He came closer to me and whispered "you couldn't fight with my charm and you were stalking me right." Oh, so he didn't understand. "guilty!!" while we were laughing courtney(bitchy girlfriend personally won't be friends but yeaaa you know) get on the buss and waved at duncan.

"I'm sorry cookie, dudette waits for me" I nodded and turn my head back to window, and I opened katy perry- the one that got away. Ouch.

When we arrived to school, our first class was childcare and the whole gang took that class(it was easy to pass c'mon) they were all partners courtney-duncan, bridgett-geoff, leshawna-harold,and me I was alone. I swear I'm not being a drama queen.I'm literally doing two peoples job...... before the lesson got started duncan came by me and asked if I need any help- what a nice guy, I said no,yeah.

And something happened- something I wasn't expecting. Someone joined the class, teacher interduced him, his name was trent and he was a new student. He had jet black hair, green shirt on.

I smiled as soon as I heard duncan calling my name. " hey gwen!?"


"we got us a new holly!" we were laughing so hard everyone thought we're on drugs. It was a inside joke of me and duncan. We call holly to the kids wearing hollisters.and the new guy was definitely a holly.

Since I was the only one sitting alone the teacher pointed my desk to him. He walked to here and sit, he had this welcoming smile on.

"hi, I'm trent."

"hey, gwen."

"um what's a holly?" he wants me to explain our inside joke with duncan- no way!

"nothing, forget it." I looked at him he was still waiting with his hand up for me to take. And I did, but not for long. Then I looked his face cause he was looking at mine! Then I looked at his eyes- wow, he had beautiful green deep. "you'r eyes are beautifull." Oh god I didn't mean to say it ouut loud!!!

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