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-hii! I know the last part was not that good but I'm going to write better at this one anyways hope you like it!-

when we get in the classroom there was trent and geoff talking and as soon as we walk in trent got up and come to me and said

"hey gwen! can I talk to you for a sec?" and give duncan the go away look, duncan smirked and said

"I'm not going anywhere holly."

"I need to talk to gwen alone."

"how about me and gwen talk alone and you leave?" he grabbed my arm and walk to me to our desks. but I wasn't happy about it, I kinda wanted to be friends with trent he was a nice guy.

"why didn't you let the guy talk freakshow?"

"what? you like the holly?"

"he's a nice guy, but no" I was clearly trying to mess with duncan but guess he wasn't in the mood for that. then I heard the bell ring and everyone came in the class then teacher came to class and bla bla there's nothing exciting.

but after that trent tapped me on my arm and whispered

"can I now ask somethin-"

"trent, gwen, eyes on the board!" this time theacher interrupted him. I really wanted to now what he was going to ask. I thought I'd ask him after the class.

we were heading out for dinner, me, duncan,court, bridgett, leshawna, geoff and dj. what a crowded group. dj walk to us but he brought trent with him,

"hey guys, that's my boy trent. I invite him to eat with us."

"hey guys, hey gwen" when he said gwen girls give me some shocked looks but I was calm(surprisingly)

"hey trent."

we walked to our classic place and i sit with trent cause duncan was with courtney. we had soooo much fun. then courtney and bridgett brought the dance topic on. I totally forgot about that. this weekend we had a school halloween party. yeah anyways, courtney and duncan did their usual fight about what they're gonna wear and we head back to school.

when we were heading to duncan's car, trent shout my name and I asked him whats wrong, he tried to say the thing he was asking whole day. but duncan kept honking like a annoying dad.

"give me your phone." he didn't even asked why, woah, am I that trustable? I wrote my house number to him and told him to call me aaand I got in the car. duncan didn't really talked to me, I kept asking why but he didn't answer me. we stayed quiet... it felt like a loooonngg ride.. when we stopped, I hugged him and said,

"even if you don't want to talk, I'm always here, we can stay quiet and sit here if it's what you want, or you can tell me what's up with you?" I sounded sad cause I was, am I dump that I don't understand him?

"it's just a lot going on cookie, school, parents and shit. don't worry I'm not mad at you." thank god! I was so happy it wasn't about me but I was sad that he's going through stuff. I didn't force him to talk more. I shaked my head and get out of the car. it was a long night, huh?

I went to my room, everyone else in the house was sleeping. I got in to my pjs a black short and a crop top. I layed on my bed, and closed my eyes. then I heard my phone ring. I quickly opened it, it was duncan.

"what hapened? are you okay?" he was breathing so loud and quick. I heard him sniffing and he finally talked.

"is it okay if I come to your house? my parents kicked me out, and I don't have-"

"yeah sure but be fast it's going to be dark and rainy outside."


he sounded seriously sad and I didn't know what to do.. it killed me inside.. I heard the doorbell, and opened it. jake woke up when he heard the door. he came to us but didn't asked anything.

"sleep apart, or mom would be insane." I nodded then he smiled and go away.

duncan stayed quiet, he was a lil wet. I closed the door after he got in. he took off his jacket and left it on our table. he went to couch and sit and I gave him a blanket. I was going to my room but he grabbed my hand.

"can you.. lay with me till I pass out? I just need a hug.."

"sure thing"

we cuddled for couple minutes, he played with my hair then he closed his eyes. normally I would be excited but he needed me to be here as his friend. I needed to control my feelings.

I got up and went to my room. I could lay with him instead I was here alone and left him alone.. I couldn't stand it and went back there. i hugged him and put my head on his chest. then I heard that sweet voice of his.

"I tought you weren't gonna come back.."

"I'm never leaving, just sleep,okay?"

"good night gwenny"

"good night duncan"

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