I squint my eyes confused shouldn't couple sleep together? Why is asking to sleep some where else? Maybe he is being gentleman and trying to make me comfortable—Oh that's so sweet of him!

I deny his offer didn't want to take his luxury from him.

Nodding he walks towards the door from which we entered only to find it locked, he tries again and when he is confirmed it is licked he sighs in frustration looking utterly upset.

When I see him shutting his eyes close in what looks like anger, without thinking twice I lay down quickly and tucked myself in, making sure I am at a very end of the bed.

Few minutes later the bed sinks beside me so I face away from Zain and kept as much space as possible between us. I do not want to get into his personal space and I feel more comfortable not being closer to him. However it's hard to ignore his presence when I can feel his body heat and hear his breathing.

I hear the sheets shuffling behind me and Also felt him placing pillows in between us, ya allah thank you so much. My body instantly relaxed and my eyelids were getting heaving and I soon drifted off to sleep to the sound of his breathing which was calm. I hope everything works well between us.



I yell to no one in particular but irritation crawls up my skin when it doesn't stop and thats when I wake up from my dream.

I shut my eyes close at the headache I am feeling for waking up all of a sudden.

Argh someone please throw that alarm somewhere it's irritating, I wake up irritated by the stupid alarm which can make the whole house up but still the guy next to me is sleeping soundly.

I looked up to see it is 4 :00 am what the hell is he going to do so early? Go on a secret mission? argh this guy is destroying my sleep. Taking the pillow which was placed between us I cover my ears which only made it even more irritating, I didn't sleep previous night and this had to wake me up so early, great just great.

His alarm goes on and on and it finally snoozed on its own and this dead body is still in his dreamland, I wonder if I should wake him up or not. I think I should, what if it's important.

"Zain" My voice comes out so low that it didn't even reach my ears "Zain" I clear my throat but call him again a little louder to which he hums in response.

"Zain wake up!"

"Urm" he moan making a sound which sounds too pleasant to my liking "What is it?" He questions in his sleepy voice while rubbing his eyes.

"Your alarm was screaming a few seconds ago you didn't wake up so I thought of waking you" screaming? What the hell you could have said more decently, what is said is said now please switch off that alarm and do whatever you want.

"Hmm ....okay " his voice is still sleepy and tired and I am feeling guilty for waking him up.

Laying for another few seconds he then stands up groaning inaudibly with his messy hair and half closed eyes and walks  towards the closet and pulls out some clothes before disappearing behind the washroom door.

When I hear the sound of water running I quickly make myself comfortable by placing pillows on the back and bringing the sheets up higher and snuggling into it.

So Comfortable.

My sleep was again Interrupted by someone cursing, I opened my eyes to see Zain kicking the door in frustration, he was wearing - wait don't tell me he wakes up at 4 am just to go for jogging no wonder he looks so perfect but I don't do exercise and all this stuff then why disturbing my sleep dude.

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