Part 2

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(Ps if any of you saw my hobbit series (y/n) will not be reuniting with Bilbo reason will be explained sooo, instead it will be another (y/n) who is your son)

Bilbo:(v.o.) Hobbits have been living and farming in the four farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years. Quite content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the Big Folk. Middle-earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count Hobbits must seem of little importance being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very wise.

(Bilbo leans back in his chair chuckling at that thought. Knocking is heard at his door and he suddenly stops his laughing.)

Bilbo: (yelling over his shouldar) Frodo! Someone at the door.

(He turns back to his book and starts writing again, forgetting about the door.)

Bilbo:(v.o.) In fact, it has been remarked by some that Hobbit's only real passion is for food.

(A Hobbit gives the girl he likes flowers and she leans in for a kiss when he spots some rolls being carried by and grabs one and stuffs it in his mouth. More Hobbits are seen carrying barrels from the orchards. Another Hobbit is carrying one on his shouldar with mug in hand, drinking as much ale as possible. A group of pipe-smokers are seen sitting around and enjoying each other's company. More Hobbits are gardening and playing games.)

A rather unfair observation as we have also developed a keen in the brewing of ales and the smoking of pipe-weed. But where our hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet and good, tilled earth. For all Hobbits share a love of things that grow.

(Sam is planting flowers outside of his home, taking pleasure in that hobby and the beautiful flowers. The Hobbits are also setting up for Bilbo's big party, putting up banners and ribbons and tents.)

And, yes, no doubt to others, our ways seem quaint. But today of all days, it is brought home to me: It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.

(A big banner wishing Bilbo a Happy Birthday is set up.)

(There is another knock at the door and Bilbo sags in his chair, slightly annoyed.)

Bilbo: Frodo, the door! (Bilbo listens a moment and there is no noise, then there is more knocking at the door again) Sticklebacks. Where is that boy? (v.o.) Frodo!

(Frodo sits beneath a tree, reading a book. Suddenly, he hears someone singing and looks up. He smiles as he understands who it is. Gandalf drives his carriage through the fields while he sings.)

Gandalf: (humming and singing)(v.o.)  Down from the door where it began And I must follow if I can The road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began Now far ahead the road has gone And I must follow if I can

(Frodo runs towards the grassy rode and comes to a halt, crossing his arms.)

Frodo: You're late.

(Gandalf stops the carriage. His face can barely be seen under his big, pointed floppy hat. He slowly turns to look at Frodo.)

Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.

(He looks at Frodo with a strict look that softens until they both laugh. Frodo jumps onto the carriage and into Gandalf's arms)

Frodo: It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!

Gandalf: You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?

(Frodo sits besides Gandalf in the carriage as they drive through Hobbiton. Gandalf starts smoking his pipe.)

Gandalf: So, how is the old rascal? I hear its going to be a party of special magnificence.

Frodo: You know Bilbo. He's got the whole place in an uproar.

Gandalf:(chuckling) Well, that should please him.

Frodo: Half the Shire's been invited. And the rest of them are turning up anyway.

(They both laugh at this as they pass the Hobbits hard at work in the fields. They cross over a small stone bridge over a stream and into the little town square, making their way towards Bag End. They pass through the little town of Hobbiton and observe the other Hobbits while doing so.)

Bilbo:(v.o.) And so life in the Shire goes on very as it has this past Age full of its own comings and goings, with change coming slowly. If it comes at all. For things are made to endure in the Shire passing from one generation to the next. There's always been a Baggins living here under the Hill in Bag End. (Bilbo pauses momentarily looking up and mutters to himself) And there always will be.

Frodo: To tell you the truth, Bilbo's been a bit odd lately. I mean, more than usual.  (Gandalf listens intentively, his face looking concerned and full of thought) He's taken to locking himself in his study.

(Bilbo is seen holding up the map of Middle-earth.)

Frodo:(v.o.) He spends hours and hours pouring over old maps when he thinks I'm not looking.

(Bilbo sets the map down and sighs. He tenses all of the sudden and starts to check his pockets looking for something. His breathing starts to get shallow as he turns out empty pockets. His eyes search the room frantically.)

Bilbo: Where's it gone?

(He starts to search everything in the room in a panic frenzy, picking things up to just through them down when he finds they are not holding what he is seeking. He starts to get angrier and angrier when his hand brushes his vest pocket. He feels them and places his hand in it and pulls something out. Sighing deeply, he opens his hand slightly and reveals that he is holding the Ring in his hand. He closes his eyes in relief and has a silent moment.)

Frodo: He's up to something.

(Gandalf grunts and give Frodo a sideways glance. Frodo looks back at him, waiting for him to answer. Gandalf just looks away looking as if he didn't know anything.)

Frodo: All right, then. Keep your secrets.

Gandalf: What?

Frodo: But I know you have something to do with it.

Gandalf:(assuming a look of innoncence) Good gracious me.

Frodo: Before you came along, we Bagginses were very well thought of.

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