Chapter Six

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Dick headed back to the Manor after the session with Canary. He needed to take a break for a few hours. Lying all the time was starting to get to him.

He walked up to the Zeta Beams and entered his destination. There was a white glow all around him, and then he was in the Batcave.

Owl B03 the computer announced to anyone listening.

Dick's stomach felt terrible and he was dizzy for a moment, and then the feeling was gone.

He really needed to use the Zeta Beams more to get used to that.

Bruce looked away from the computer for a moment and spotted Dick.

"Dick? What're you doing here? I thought Black Canary said you'd be training with the team the rest of the week." Bruce questioned him.

"I wanted to maybe stay here for the night if that's okay?" Dick asked hesitantly.

Bruce saw the exhaustion on his face and smiled. He was tired and needed a day off. He understood that.

"Of course. Do you want to go on patrol later after you rest for a bit?"

Dick's eyes brightened. This would be his first time on patrol. "Yes!" He yelled in excitement.

Bruce chuckled. "Well go upstairs and sleep for a while. You need it. I'll have Alfred come and get you when it's time."

Dick nodded his head than raced up the stairs. He finally gets to go on patrol with the Batman! This would be awesome.

Dick had a wide smile on his face as he made his way to his room. The floor creaking with his fast steps.

But he stopped in front of his door in thought. What am I doing?! I'm not supposed to actually be excited for dumb stuff like this! I need to focus on the mission!

His smile slowly faded, then he entered his room silently; without the energy he previously had only moments ago.

Dick plopped down onto his bed, and fell asleep instantly as his head hit the soft, comfortable pillow.


"He- not- too dangerous- what- deathstroke-" Dick heard pieces of the conversation a few rooms away. Normally it would be easy to pick up their words, but today his mind was in a fog and his body ached.

What was odd though, was he didn't remember coming here. He was with Slade, training. That would explain his body aches.

As Dick laid -wherever he was- still, the fog lifted from his mind, almost instantly. He could now hear the conversation clearly.

"We don't have anymore time! This is our last chance! It'll be gone if we let it leave again!"

"It's that man, Deathstroke; it's his fault! He got attached to it and now wants to save it!"

The two men heard footsteps and they shut their mouths almost instantly.

"It is time."  The new arrival declared.

"It is awake already?! We gave it plenty of sedatives to last hours!"

The new comer sighed, "Well, with all the experiments, it's metabolism has been enhanced."

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