Chapter 1 (Emily)

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"It's another perfect day in town 2790, traffic is perfect, rain is nowhere close, and once again crime does not exist. The incident from yesterday was handled. Today's breakfast food drop includes 4 apples, 4 glasses of orange juice, and 4 pancakes with strawberries." a sickly sweet voice reports "Now for the rules: Rule Number One All children must report to school by 10 O-clock, and all adults must report to work at 8:00. Rule Number Two: All humans must start eating breakfast at 7:00 and stop eating at 7:30. Humans will start eating lunch at 12:00 and stop eating at 12:30. Finally, humans will start eating dinner at 5:00 and stop eating at 5:30. The house animals can eat at any time. Rule Number-" The Tv was shut off.

Emily stood up, she was tired of all the rules. She had broken just one, and now she was going to be sent to a reformatory school. She was terrified, kids that had gone there come back mindless, obedient. Rumors said that they were mind controlled.

It was 9:00 and her dads had already left for the day with the promise that she was going to be sent off to "Miss Abigail's school for young (and rebellious) girls and boys" as soon as they got back. To say she was worried would be an understatement, she'd seen what happens to kids that go they come back prefect filled with "yes sirs" and "of course ma'ams" and straight A+s. Emily decided that if that was her future then maybe she would need to fix her past a little, give them a real reason to send her.

With a smile Emily gathered all of the supplies she had gotten over the years: paint, brushes of all sizes and shapes, and a small water gun. She smiled and laid out a plan. She was going to make an impact so big that no one would ever forget it. By the time she left it was 12:00 and she certainly wasn't hungry.

She snuck out of the house and slipped between buildings. By the time she reached her destination she was having second thoughts, but she ignored them and started working.

A few minutes she had covered the town hall walls in an array of colors, each screaming one message; "Rebel". She snapped a picture of it, before sprinting back home.

She made it back just before 2. Smiling, she plopped on the couch and turned on the news, and waited.

It took a bit but one of the bots had found her work and sent it to the newsroom. She saw the panic in the news lady's eyes, and she read the report. "There was an incident at the town hall, someone vandalized the wall." "Do not worry though the police bots are currently going through the footage to find the sick person who did this.".

Emily's breathing grew uneven as someone banged on the door. She got up and opened it, it was a police bot waiting for her. The thing took her straight to the detention center, she was leaving for the academy tomorrow. 


Ok I did it! feel free to correct me! I also will be starting a different story as well (for mature folks. aka Smut) So if that's up your ally go read it once it's up.

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to love yourself and take over the world :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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