Chapter Five

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It'd been a day since the news, half of twitter was at dreams throat whilst the other half were concerned about his sudden actions as well as his recent private tweet.

the lump in his throat felt as if it was going to pour out, he felt things he hadn't felt before, awful things.

He took his phone out and with dread began typing a tweet

the rumours were true, myself and george were
in a relationship for over a year and a half, it was
the most amazing time of my life, george
was an amazing partner, an amazing
best friend
Myself and george had broken up recently, however planned to get back together again, unfortunately this opportunity was stripped from us.
Last night i was made aware george had gotten into
a pretty bad car accident, he unfortunately passed away at the scene, he wasn't in any pain, so don't worry.
I just ask you are patient and respectful towards myself, sapnap, badboyhalo and friends whilst we grieve.

Thank you, i love you guys endlessly
- dream

Dream mutes the tweet, as he slides his finger up to the power off button, he receives a DM

[GeorgeNotFound: Dream]

His heart stops, how cruel could somebody be, how fucking cruel could they be to get into georges account so soon after his death

[GeorgeNotFound: Please Dre, It's me]

Angrily he begins typing a reply

[Dream: I don't know who the fuck you are, but you know it's a sensitive time, Just get the fuck off of his account]

[GeorgeNotFound: Clay, you told me Yellow Daisies were your favourite because we could both see them]

Dreams jaw dropped, unless this person had gotten into personal notes that george had taken on his mobile they wouldn't of known this, that's even if george wrote that down, that was such a personal memory

[GeorgeNotFound: And then you told me they were almost as pretty as me]

[Dream: George...?]

[GeorgeNotFound: Hello clay :) ]

Dream dropped his phone and began pacing, holy fuck he'd gone crazy, now he was imagining his dead ex boyfriend was messaging him! just the cherry on top to this god awful year, his phone buzzed and he looked over sliding it into his hands unable to resist the curiousity

[GeorgeNotFound: My bedside table, lowest drawer, far right]

[Dream: What?]

[GeorgeNotFound: I cant bare to watch you doubt yourself any longer]

Dream rushed over to the bedside table, if this was really george, there'd be something there, unless it was a weird stalker.

Dream pulled things out, eventually his hand patting over a small box, he took it out and traced his fingers over the velvety texture, coloured black with a gold rim.

He opened it as his hands shook

a note fell out and a ring remained in the box

'Omg you're such an arse! Please for my dignity act like you haven't see this when i propose'

Dream chuckled as tears began to fall, this was such a george thing to do.

he picked up his phone

[Dream: You was going to propose?]
[GeorgeNotFound: Eventually, but i sorta died ]
[Dream: That's really ironic]
[GeorgeNotFound: Why?]
[Dream: George, it took you 4 months to say i love you]
[GeorgeNotFound: Shut up]

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