Chapter Four

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Tears fell from dreams eyes as the video played on the TV, sapnap had gone home to texas for a bit to get some stuff before coming back for the funeral.

The tears burned his cold cheeks as they fell,

"DREEEEEEEAMMM STOP HITTING ME" George screeched through the video

"NOOOO COME BACK GEORGIEEE" Dream teased in the video

Dreams gentle cries soon became harsh sobs as he watched himself and george chase eachother around in the early days of the SMP

He loosened the blanket from around him and went over to his PC, He turned it on and hovered his mouse over the Dream SMP

5 people were online

He hovered over the ominous X

he clicked

'are you sure you want to delete this server'


he clicked it, and it disappeared, it was gone.

he choked out another sob hearing his and georges laughter in the background

Dreams phone started going off, his eyes glanced over, angry and frustrated dms asking what happened to the smp, why'd he delete it and various other complaints

he turned the pc off and went back to his bed, wrapping himself in his Duvet, as another video started

He's phone began to call

[Bad is calling...]

hesitantly he picked it up, he'd have to tell him eventually, it was going to ache

"DREAM? WHYD YOU DELETE THE SERVER-" Bad instantly began rambling

until he heard dream sniffling, a sound he hadn't heard since dream was 17

"wait- woahwoahwoah- dream whats the matter, i'm sorry for shouting muffin i was just confused" bads tone changed

"he's dead bad"

"who died?"


bad let out a nervous chuckle "dream if you're trying to troll me this isn't funny"

"no daryll, he's really gone" dreams voice cracked


"he got into a car accident earlier- he- he died instantly" dreams sobs began once again, it was hard to make out what he was saying

"oh dream" bad said, it was clear he'd begun tearing up

"it hurts so much, i didn't even get to say goodbye, christ i ignored him for days fuck."

"It's okay dream, nobody expected this to happen"

"i know- it's just- i wish i did it differently- i wish i never walked out that night"

the two fell silent, the only sound was their cries

after a little the conversation picked up again and they began discussing times of the the past that they'd give anything to go back to, bad let dteam know that he was getting cancelled on twitter and to probably avoid it for some time as people weren't happy about the sudden deletion of the server.

they said their goodbyes and eventually hung up, dream opened twitter going straight to PRIV

This is the worst pain i've ever felt

Flower Fields - DreamNotFoundWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt