Chapter three

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Various sounds plagued the Police station, Calls, shouting, drunken fights and even laughter between officers on break.

Dream sat, still in shock, his hands hadn't stopped shaking since he was told, his best friend sat beside him sobbing gently

"when do we let the others know" sapnap sniffled

"not yet" Dream replied simply monotone, the usual spark to his voice, dimmed.

The officer approached, a tall woman with her hair half up and down, in her hands a bouquet of yellow daisies, a note attached by a loose red bow.

The flowers were slightly damaged, the note having an ominous red stain on it, dreams eyes focused on the stain.

"Clay, i shouldn't do this, however he was your partner and after all they had your name on them" The officer, a friendly woman, her irish accent very clear, explained

"My name" Dream asked, his eyes still fixated on the stain

He and george had split up around two weeks ago, after a year and a half of being together, today was the day dream was going to ask for him back, life wasnt the same without him

The breakup was over something petty, due to them not arguing often their arguments always escalated so much worse when they had them

The night they broke up some hurtful words were exchanged between the two and dream left slamming the door.

"Clay?" the officer said, snapping him back to reality

"i understand it's a hard time, i suggest going home and surrounding yourself with family and friends, you also will need to contact the hospital tomorrow morning to discuss funeral plans" the officer, Pc Minx, Explained

Dream nodded, the officer attempted to hand him the flowers, yet he pushed away declining

"just throw them" he mumbled as he walked off

Sapnap shook his head no, "i'm sorry, thank you" he sniffled taking them and following close behind dream

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