ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡

Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath, he took the step.

"Come in..."

Spinner took a moment before gears in his head recognized what was in front of his face.


Immediately, the rest of the "boys" peaked their heads into the bedroom to see what the commotion was about. There in all his glory, Tomura Shigarki stood in a bath robe and clay face mask.

"Go ahead laugh it up, I'll wait."

Shigarki's voice was sharp but, it didn't stop Compress and Twice from cackling right along side Spinner.

Twice was the bravest of the bunch, ever since his "power up" during the battle of  Dekia he had the mentality he could do anything.

"Haha why does it smell like lavender?- Let me borrow any left overs, I need one too!"

Their teasing put Shigarki on edge, "just tell why you're here already, the wedding is at noon..."

Compress shook his head, "clearly you don't know how difficult it is to host or plan a wedding. It's a miracle (y/n) got everything together in such a short period of time... now it's time to get you fed and ready!"

"Don't worry Shigarki, just think at the end of this you'll be married to the love of your life!", Twice cheered into his ear.

"Sigh... I suppose I do have that to look forward to."


10:00 AM

"Um you know Shigarki I was wondering... where did you put the rings? Also, who's going to reside over the ceremony... no one here is a priest."

Tomura glanced over at Spinner and sighed, "I actually asked Compress to do it, apparently he is a registered Minster."

The green reptile nodded thoughtfully, "and the rings..?"

"The rings?"

Tomura felt his breath catch in his throat, oh shit.

"I never bought her a ring..."

Silence rang through the room, the groom's men stood with eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"How the hell did you even propose?! How are we supposed to get rings in only TWO hours!?!"

Putting on his dress shirt and fastening his belt, Tomura took a deep breath, "well let's just go buy them now, it should only take like 10 minutes right?"

11:00 AM

"At this point Yuki, I'll take a piece of wire braided into a circle! Isn't this supposed to be your job, to be helpful?!"

Tomura tried not to scream profanities at the sales associate but, he was running out of time.

The only rings in stock would definitely not fit her or were priced at over $600,000 (¥63,510,600.00).

Serendipity (Tomura Shigaraki x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now