4- The Feast, Humiliation, and Announcements

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Katherine smiled. "Thank you," she said. "You've all been very kind."

"Well that's why we're in Hufflepuff, isn't it? We're kind and just and loyal," Ian grinned.

"Not very humble, though," Johnson muttered.

Cedric let out a laugh. "Ian was never one to be humble," he said, with a false hurt expression from Ian in return. When the food appeared, Cedric said: "How about I go bring you to the other first years? Are you up for that? You feel better?"

"Yes, if they're all as kind as you lot, I think I should be fine."

"Perfect, come on, I'll walk you over." Cedric put a hand on Katherine's shoulder and they stood up before making their way over to the end of the table, where an empty plate was waiting for Katherine next to a blond haired boy. "Hello, everyone!" He started. The first years watched him with nervousness-- one boy even dropped his fork. "I'm Cedric, I'm one of your prefects. This is Katherine, she's a first year, like you. She's going to sit with you. If any of you have any questions, feel free to come and ask me, I'm sitting down a bit, but I'm not too far away. I'll also be showing you to the common room later, alright?" The kids nodded and Cedric smiled, trying to seem as friendly as possible. "Alright, I'll be off then, I'll see you all when supper's over."

Cedric finally thought he was going to be able to enjoy the rest of his supper in peace when one of his housemates, and fellow prefects, Cameron McMahon called out to him as he sat down. "Psst. Cedric! I heard you snogged a fourth year! Who was it?"

"None of your business. And who said we snogged?" He asked.

"Ian. He's your best mate, right? So it's true then? Cedric Diggory snogged a fourth year. Was it a Hufflepuff? Or was it a Ravenclaw? Oh my, it was a Gryffindor, wasn't it?!"

Cedric's face unconsciously twitched as Joseph came to a closer guess.

"Ahh, the lucky Gryffindor girl who snogged Cedric Diggory. Who is she, Cedric? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I swear!" Joseph continued to pester him for answers, but Cedric tried his best to ignore him.

"I didn't snog anyone," Cedric replied to his intolerable begging. He quickly glanced at Hermione, who looked as though she was discussing something rather serious looking with Harry and Ron. "And if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"Well why not? I'm fairly good at keeping secrets, aren't I?"

"Not particularly. What happened between me and Hermi-- between me and the girl is none of your business," Cedric said as he stabbed his fork into a steamed carrot. He looked up and saw Joseph grinning mischievously. "What?" He spat.

"Nothing," replied Joseph with a smug look.

Cedric led the new first years to the Hufflepuff dormitories. He showed them the entrance near the kitchens and the common room, and the whole time, Cameron was still grinning stupidly. When the tour was over, Cedric approached him again.

"What do you want, McMahon? Why do you keep looking at me like you've seen me in a Weird Sister costume?" Cedric asked with all the annoyance he could muster. Cameron leaned in and whispered in Cedric's ear. Cedric's eyes widened and he ran out the door, leaving the group of first years confused in the middle of the common room.

As Cedric ran down the hallways, students pointed at him and whispered, but he didn't care. He ran to the Gryffindor portrait and begged her to let him in. "I'm sorry dear, but if you don't have the password, you don't have the authority to enter. That's just how it is," explained the Fat Lady with a frown.

"Please! I just need to warn someone! I'll only be a few minutes, I swear!"

"Purpura asinus," called a voice behind him. The portrait of the Fat Lady swung open and Harry walked in, beckoning Cedric to follow.

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