Chapter fifty nine - Sakaar

Start from the beginning

"What, are you mute you stupid girl? Answer – agh!" one of the guards exclaimed as you dropped your illusion and blasted them both backwards into the wall, knocking them out. They barely had time to raise their weapons.

Leaving them lying on the floor, you paused outside the door to the VIP box. If Loki had really been worried about you he would have noticed your presence the minute you landed on Sakaar, and he would definitely be aware that you were stood less than ten metres away from him. The anger you felt boiled to the surface and you stormed into the room.

The pleasant chatter which had been occurring before you entered stopped rapidly as you clattered into the room, sword drawn and eyes blazing. The fight drained from you as you saw Loki. He was in some weird Sakaarian lounge attire, holding a drink and lounging, talking with a grey-haired man on an obscenely large chaise lounge. They both turned to look at you as you entered; the grey-haired man frowned at you suspiciously. Loki stood up in shock, his drink falling to the ground.

A second later he was in front of you, waving more guards away and taking hold of your forearms, asking you a hundred questions, none of which you heard. You were looking past him to the largest arena you'd ever seen, crammed full of hundreds of thousands of people who were all screaming and cheering loudly.

"Y/N, talk to me. Whose blood is this?!" Loki shook you gently; when you looked back to him there was genuine fear in his eyes. You felt nothing. You looked down at the front of your armour and realised for the first time that you were covered in Fandral's blood. Still you felt nothing. Loki was trying to read your mind. You closed it, ignoring the hurt, confused look on his face as you did.

"Loki, who is this fearsome looking young lady? Introduce me quickly before I go on." the man with grey hair demanded, waving you over. One of the guards tried to take your sword but you tugged it back sharply, slamming it back into its scabbard and wrenching yourself from Loki's grip.

Loki was looking at an utter loss. Eventually he moved over to the man and you followed him, the eyes of everyone in the room still upon you.

"Grandmaster this is Lady Y/N, my... associate. From Asgard."


"Well, I suppose as you are a friend of a friend I'll have to let you off barging into my little soiree, as long as it doesn't happen again." the Grandmaster said pleasantly enough, waggling a finger at you. He had eyes like a snake. Loki nudged you.

"Thank you." you said hoarsely.

"You're welcome! Now, get yourself a drink and sit back and enjoy the show!" he said, before leaving the room by a side door.

The second he was gone Loki grabbed you by the shoulders and sat you down.

"Talk to me. Where have you been all this time? It's been weeks, I thought..."

"Weeks?" you repeated in shock.

"Yes...?" Loki responded, frowning.

"But... you and Thor fell out of the Bifrost only an hour ago -"

Horror dawned on Loki's face, and at the same time the Grandmaster walked out into the centre of the arena, a sixty-foot-tall projection of him suddenly looming above the stadium. He began talking to the crowd, hyping them up ready for the show.

"I've been here for over three weeks... I've been so worried..."

You interrupted him with a disbelieving laugh, turning away so that he didn't see the tears which pricked your eyes.

"Okay, I know how this must look, but I knew you weren't dead!"

You closed your eyes as he talked at you. A stress headache was beginning to form at your temples. You had to find Thor and get out of here.

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