023 - Lights

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Warnings: n/a

After school was finally over, Taehyung and Yoongi walked out of the building. The blonde's hand itched to hold Taehyung's, but he knew he couldn't. Not yet, at least. They rounded the corner of the school when they met someone familiar tugging at Taehyung's backpack. "Tae!"

The brunette turned around, eyeing the younger. "Kook?"

"We have practice after school tomorrow, coach told me to tell you," the ravenette wheezed, slightly bent down with his hands on his knees. Taehyung nodded with an amused smile, "From where did you run to be this exhausted?"

"Since I saw you were leaving the art department," Jungkook admitted, standing upright again, nodding at Yoongi. "What are you guys up to?"

"A date," the blonde smirked, watching Jungkook blush with embarrassment. Taehyung shyly looked down but couldn't wipe the grin out of his face. "Where to?" the flustered younger asked, causing Taehyung to look at Yoongi with the same questioning look because they didn't settle on a destination yet.

"To the amusement park," Yoongi decided, "But we're leaving our things at my place beforehand."

Jungkook looked in the direction Yoongi was pointing, and sure enough, he saw the motorbike parked on the other side of the street. The youngest began chewing on his lip, hesitant to ask the question lingering in his mind.

"Could you give me a ride home?" Jungkook asked, hope sparkling in his doe eyes. Yoongi sighed, "As much as I'd love to, I can't transport three people on my bike. I don't get in trouble for such meager illegality."

Taehyung turned to fully face Yoongi, gently cupping his face. "It's fine. You know that I don't live far away from here. Take Kookie home and pick me up afterward, so I can pack some things for tonight."

Yoongi just smirked and raised a brow, causing Taehyung to let go and roll his eyes, muttering "Idiot," under his breath. Jungkook's face stayed a light rosy color, but Yoongi sighed. "Fine."

"Meet me at the park when I call you," the blonde murmured to Taehyung, giving him a short but sweet kiss. Taehyung, who still wasn't entirely used to show affection in front of the others, nodded, the tips of his ears turning a bright red. "Let's go," Yoongi said, directed at Jungkook.

They crossed the street to get to the vehicle, and Jungkook cleared his throat. "Do you need directions?"

Yoongi shook his head. "No, I know where to go. Given that it's still the same house," he added, briefly glancing at the younger.

Jungkook just nodded, uneasiness simmering in his stomach, sensing the tension already. "You don't have to-"

"I don't care about these people anymore," Yoongi coldly stated, not looking up. Jungkook gulped and nodded, trying to ignore the pang in his chest upon hearing those words. The younger put on the helmet and tightly held onto the blonde, "This is my first time doing this, so I'd appreciate it if you drive carefully..."

Yoongi just scoffed and kickstarted the machine, zooming onto the street in the direction of a house he knew far too well. The helmet muffled Jungkook's surprised squeak, but the older heard it nevertheless, grinning at the fear the younger displayed.

He drove the route almost mechanically, his heart beginning to pound, he was feeling like his 18-year-old self again, coming home just to be scolded and thrown out. He briefly closed his eyes, telling himself that he couldn't get thrown out.

He was an adult now, had his own life, a new family, and was, most importantly, independent.

He saw the familiar cerulean paint come into view, the front porch with the white wooden railings and the familiar garden. He parked in front of the building, swinging his leg over the machine, putting the kickstand out.

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