Chapter nine: Pietro is cute

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Pietro is cute, so...

While Cap and I were fighting Ultron, something fast pushed Ultron over. And Wanda made the railing block Ultron so he couldn't get to Pietro. "Please, don't do this."
"What choice do we have?" Wanda asked. Ultron tried to shoot at Pietro and flew away. "Yeah, Pietro is kinda hot when he's in danger." I whispered to myself, with my earpiece not activated.

Did you really whisper that?


Yeah, okay.

"I lost him! He's headed your way!" Cap yelled and we ran towards the train...driver? I don't know what you call it, but yeah. He was dead.

No he was definitely unconscious.

Stop writing in my book, Peter!

Anyways, we didn't know how to stop the train.
"Nat, we gotta go." I heard Clint again. "Nat! Cap! You see Nat?"
"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" Cap yelled.
"Do you have eyes on Nat?!"
"Go!" Clint turned off his earpiece, and flew away. "Civilians In our path." Cap said and Pietro ran out.
"Can you stop this thing?" Cap asked. The train went through a couple of buildings, and Cap tried to protect me, but I didn't need the protection.

That is not true!

What did I tell you Peter?

Anyways. Wanda tried to stop the train. It finally stopped and we got out, Pietro was exhausted and Wanda and I walked toward him. "I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." He said.
"I'm very tempted not to give you one." Cap said.
"The Cradle. Did you get it?" Wanda asked.
"Stark will take care of it."
"No, he won't."
"You don't know what you're talking about. Stark's not crazy."
"He will do anything to make things right."
"The kid's got a point." I said.
"I'm older than you."
"That doesn't matter."
"Stark, come in." Steve said, "Stark. Anyone on comma."
"Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?" I gotta say that were some deep thoughts.

Yeah, my sister's great.


Did you just call be by all my aliases?


Awww, it's kinda cute you remember them all.

Peter, I have to continue writing this story!

Okay, I'll stop writing in here.


We arrived at the Avengers tower. "This framework is not compatible." Tony said. "Genetic coding tower is at 97%. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Bruce said. "I'm gonna day this once." Cap said. "How about 'none-ce?'" Tony said.
"Shut it down!"
"Nope, not gonna happen."
"You don't know what you're doing."
"And you do? She's not in your head?" Bruce asked. "I know you're angry." Wanda said.
"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."
"Banner, after everything that's happened--"
"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony interrupted Steve.
"You don't know what's in there." Wanda said.
"This isn't a game!" Steve yelled. Pietro ran, and took out the power. "No, no. Go on." He said. "Damn, he's hot." I said, knowing nobody could hear me. "You were saying?" He continued. I heard a gunshot, and the glass underneath Pietro shattered. "Pietro!" Wanda yelled. Clint held his foot on him. "What? You didn't see that coming?" He asked. Something beeped. "I'm rerouting the upload." Tony said. Cap threw his shield, which hit, like...everything. Tony made his hand all iron-y and shot at Cap. He died as well... okay, he might not have died, but that would be a plot twist. The other parts of Tony's suit flew towards him. Bruce grabbed Wanda, and said: "Go ahead, piss me off." I ran towards Pietro, and helped him get up, when Clint ran towards Cap. Thor ran in, somehow... I don't know how, he's the god of thunder, he'll probably have a way. Thor jumped on the big box and made all lightning come to his hammer and smashed his hammer on it. There was a power overload warning on the screen, but apparently it didn't matter.

XD btw, <3 you guys!!!

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