Broken Pieces

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Sam is curled up in a ball on his bed, crying his eyes out. Dean's a demon. Castiel's stolen grace is fading. Sam feels like he's in a million pieces.

These are the times where Sam wished Gabriel were here, that he was still alive. He would've given Sam candy, made him a teddy bear with anime eyes, or taken him ice skating.

Sam's day dreaming is interrupted by a familiar voice, "Hey kiddo."

"GABE!" Sam shouts as he jumps off the creaky bed to look at the archangel.

"The one and only!" Gabe laughs popping his lollipop out of his mouth, "B-but y-y-y-you w-were-" "Dead. Yeah. I'm aware." Sam pulls Gabriel in for a tight hug.

Gabriel is short. Sam is tall. The hug is awkward. Gabriel's arms are under Sam's armpits, and Sam rests his chin on Gabriel's head.

Gabriel smells like starbursts and licorice, Sam smells like salt and beer.

Sam pulls away from the hug, "You asshole." Sam gives Gabriel a soft gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Sam Winchester, one of these days I'm gonna hug you so tight all your broken pieces come back together."

"Lucky me."

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