chapter 1

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No proofreading.
Forgive my grammatical errors.


Come on... we are getting late.
Ming was honking his car horn so loudly that it made Beam run too fast.

He hurriedly run outside and kiss his moma and Daddy.
Mrs. Sherly just caress her baby face. She loves her younger more then Phana and her husband.

Moma loves you Baby. Be in your best version ok.
She kissed his head.

Beam nod. They always kept him as their precious gem.

His Daddy gave him two set of breakfast packet.

He hugged his son and just like his mother Mr Ronald kiss his hair. Beam got his mother genes unlike his P'Pha who is as tall as his father.

Ronald pat Ming's head .
Take care both of you and have breakfast.
He instruct with a gentle tone.

Ofcourse Uncle.

Mom we are going.
Said Ming  to Beam's mother.

She nod.

Beam looked at  his parents once more and then turn to Ming.

I'm little afraid.
He said slowly to Ming once they are outside their locality.

Ming stopped driving and look at him.

He just ruffled his hair. We'll be fine Beamie. Don't worry I'll be there with you otherwise P'Phana will kill me.
He said showing a cross sign. He is rowdy but become sheep in front of Phana.

Beam nod and open the box of breakfast.

Ohhh they got us different food.
Said Beam.

Like usual uncle Packed my french toast and your eggrice.
Comment Ming and they both chuckled.

Okay feed me...I'm hungry.
Order  Ming and Beam just looked at him.

Though its normal but don't get too clingy when I'll have my someone special okay.
Beam said little strongly making ming chocked on his toast which Beam fed him just now.

That stupid someone special of yours need to meet me and P'Pha and P'Kitty first before having meal with you.
Said Ming making Beam roll his eyes.

And what got you kiddo..
We are there for study not for getting some fucking someone special. Special my ass.
Ming irritatedly retort making beam smacked him.
You idiot. You have P'Kitty .
Why would you care. I want to share my first kiss with that person like you always gave me show whenever we are with P'Kitty.
Retaliate Beam but Ming just shrugged.
One thing that is common in all three  of them Viz Phana, Ming and kit that they are too possessive of Beam.

And I'll decide by myself who is going to get your first kiss.
Said Ming firmly.

Beam irritatedly glared at him.
Don't i have right to decide my own life partner like everyone get this right naa right to choose, right to liberty?
He asked pouting hard.

Ming looked at him munching his toast which Beam continue feeding him.
Well its universal right though but in your  case its No Baby.
Your parents  are here to decide for that.
Ming referred himself along with Phana and kit.

I hate you.
Beam sulk.

Like i love you...i hate you too.
Retort Ming giving him tissue to wipe his mouth.

Ming you are stupid.

And you are white witch.

You are jerk Shitty Ming.

And you are white rabbit.
Now stop will you.
Asked Ming Palming Beam's mouth.

They reached with continuous bickering but the moment Beam put his step into university he got nervous again.
All Ming's efforts got in vain the moment he saw engineering crowd.

I'm scared.
He said again.

Ming side hugged him.
Don't scared Stupid.  We are gonna rule this world too like we did in high school.
Said Ming making Beam relax.

Soon they went to scheduled area where Phana and Kit were already waiting for him.

Phana hugged his little brother which gave a loud gasp to them as the cold ice ex Campus moon is actually hugging someone.

What was that?
Ask Beam to his brother.

Your brother's fanbase.
Replied Kit getting smack by Phana.

Kit pout and turn to the other person who was lost already.

Not going to greet your boyfriend Ai'Mingkwan.
Kit tease but next moment Ming pull him into his embrace giving a full time show to everyone around them.

Kit ignored everything and kiss his cheeks.

Done with your dorm settlement?
Ask kit gently to Ming.

Ming still keeping him in his side hug, nod.

Beam will be in next door to mine so don't worry P'Phana.
Answered Ming before Phana could ask anything.

I already told you about rituals  and activities here which you guyz are going to face.
He grabbed Beam's face in his large palms and look at him.

If someone hurt you a little you are going to tell me. Right?
He ask intimidatingly leaving every trace of gentleness behind.

Beam nod. This is the aura of his brother which make Beam shivered no matter how he love his brother.

Phana can take everything except his brother.  He can't bear a little scratch on Beam's skin.

If they ordered you something harsh you are going to tell me immediately.  I'll transfer you to architecture or medical. Understood?
He asked again with same intensity.

Beam nod again.

I'll be fine P.
He answered slowly.

Phana nod and kiss his head.
All the best for your first day baby. Do your best na.
Phana turned into jelly again.

Beam nod and hug his brother.
Phana embraced his brother and gave a warning to everyone around with his eyes like he was declaring warning to not touch Beam.

Beam turn to Kit.

Kit ruffled his hair and pull him into hug.
All the best Nong.
He wished and Beam smile.
Thankyou P'Kitkat.
He tease making Kit chuckled.

Ming kissed Kit's head.
Bye p.

Kit smile.

Both of the medical student  left after giving free show to engineering faculty.

From afar there is a gang who is watching their evey gesture but couldn't able to hear what they are talking.

Someone was also seeing four of them at the far corner with teary eyes.

Who is that white Bunny?
Asked Lam once Beam and Ming left.

A fresher in engineering by uniform.
Reply Tul.

He could be moon if he is fresher here.
Suggest Max.

The taller one is also suitable candidature for moon though.
Counter Park.

"Why that Ex Moon of campus this much clingy to him?"
Asked Forth with an unknown anger.


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