“That’s what I was hoping you could help me with...” I say. “I don’t know how to tell him.” I add.

“Well…” He starts and thinks for a quick second before continuing, “He’s a guy, and he might be afraid of the word ‘love,’ so I wouldn’t tell him so abruptly.” He says. “He might not be expecting you to fall in love with him so soon.” He adds.

“He already told me he loves me...” I say softly, hoping that would make it easier to say it to him.

“Wow, really?” He says, sounding genuinely surprised. Was it that unbelievable that someone could actually love me? “I mean, who wouldn’t fall in love with you… but I didn’t expect that coming from Hemmings..” He says and chuckles softly.

I nod in agreement, “Yeah, me neither… but he really means it; no bullshit.” I say.

“Alright well, I guess just tell him flat out, I mean.. He won’t turn you down if that’s what you’re worried about. He already loves you, so there’s no pressure. Just say you love him back the next time he tells you he loves you.” He says and I sigh.

“Alright..” I say, finishing off the bottle and setting it on the table.

“Want another?” He asks, finishing his as well.

“Yeah, sure.” I shrug, sitting back and taking a deep breath. Who knew Luke Hemmings would make me fall in love with him?

He nods and takes the empty bottles back into the kitchen, returning with two new ones. “Thanks.” I say when he hands me a new one. I take it and open that one up, drinking a bit of it as he did the same.

It was pretty silent, neither of us talking now. It wasn’t awkward for me, since I normally stood by myself in silence all my life, but I could feel a weird sense of tension in the air.

“Fuck, Riley... Why him?” He finally speaks after a while, turning to face me with not the happiest of looks on his face.

I furrow my brows slightly, “What are you talking about..?” I ask, a bit confused at his sudden mood change. Why would he be upset?

He lets out a deep sigh, “Luke.. Why the hell do you love him…? Of all people, you love that fuckboy...” He says, running his fingers though his short blonde hair in frustration.

I furrow my brows a bit more. “I don’t know... he really cares about me. All the reasons you said before prove why I do..” I say, “I don’t think I really need to explain myself to you..” I add, crossing my arms.

He shakes his head, “I can’t believe you haven’t realized it yet...” He mumbles to himself. “He’s just going to hurt you, Riley.” He says. “Luke doesn’t love anyone but himself.” He adds. “He’s not good for you, Riley… he doesn’t know how to make you happy.” He continues.

“Nash... he is the only source of happiness in my life right now... and he does love someone else… he loves me... and he means it.” I say softly, almost sounding like I was trying to convince myself of that too. I shake my head, getting back to the point of my confusion. “Why are you so upset about this?” I ask.

“Because… fuck, Riley.” He sighs, “Because I fucking love you, alright? I always have.” He says. “You were too fucked up to realize it at that time… I was there for you when fuckboy number two, Dylan broke your heart, you remember that don’t you?” He says, bringing back the memories that I thought were long gone. “I made you feel better didn’t I? I was the only one who was there for you… to comfort you, Riley. Yeah, we had some drunken hookups after that, but they weren’t meaningless... not to me.” He adds. “Somewhere in the midst of all that chaos, I fell in love with you...” He finishes.

I was practically frozen in place, I couldn’t believe this. “Are you fucking with me?” I ask, “Because if you are, I swear-” I begin to speak but I am cut off by his lips pressing to mine. At first, I didn’t kiss him back. I mean, I love Luke; I just established that. Or.. Did I really love him? Maybe this could be a test? If I feel something with Nash, then I can’t possibly have my heart set on only Luke. Well, there’s only one way to find out… I give in and kiss him back and he immediately pulls me closer to him. After a few seconds, I became flooded with guilt. What was I doing? This is cheating… I’m doing exactly what Dylan did to me. I immediately pull back when I realize how stupid what I was doing is. I quickly stand up, “I’m sorry… this- this is wrong. I have to go…” I say, walking to the door.

He sighs, “Just don’t forget… I’ll always here to pick the pieces up when he breaks your heart...” He says, not trying to make me stay, as if he knew for sure that I’d be back.

I shake my head, not saying a word as I left his small house and made my way to Luke’s. I had to tell him. I couldn’t just lie about it until he found out the truth by someone else. That would only hurt him worse… I would know.

I make it to his house, knocking on his door nervously. He opens it up after a little bit and smiles brightly when he sees me, “Hey, I wasn’t really expecting you, but I’m happy to see you.” He says and leans over, pecking my lips. “My mom’s in the kitchen..” He says and steps outside, closing the door slightly behind and crossing his arms to keep warm since it was pretty cold out tonight. “What’s up?” He asks.

“You’re going to hate me...” I say, feeling extremely guilty and scared to see his reaction.

His smile fades a bit and he furrows his brows, “I could never hate you, Riley… but what happened?” He asks, now getting concerned.

I take a deep breath, “I kissed Nash.” I say not holding it back since I would need to tell him sooner or later. I look up at him, biting my lip.

“Yeah, I know… You guys were a thing a while ago.” He shrugs, “Not a big deal.”

“No.. I mean, right now.. we kissed 20 minutes ago..” I say softly, looking down.

“What?” He asks, I could hear confusion and a bit of anger rising in his voice. “What the fuck, Riley?” He says, “Look at me.” He demands, and I do. “Why would you kiss him? We’re together... I- I just told you I loved you.” He says, furrowing his brows as he tried to make sense of everything.

“It was a mistake… Luke, I’m sorry. I thought it would help me discover my feelings for you..” I mumble.

“What, by having some other guys tongue down your throat?” He responds, clearly angry. I didn’t like seeing him this way… he was almost never angry.

“It was really stupid of me…” I say softly, honestly feeling remorse.

“The hell it was!”

“I love you…” I try, hoping that would help the situation. If he finally heard that I loved him back, maybe this all wouldn’t matter anymore.

He shakes his head, “I don’t think I could say the same.” He says, going back inside and closing his door in my face.

(Hey Guys! I hope you enjoyed this very eventful chapter! We are nearing the end of the story!!!! Only 4 MORE CHAPTERS LEFT!!!!! This chapter is dedicated to my lovely friend Laiba, for the insperation to use the word 'fuckboy' xD I hope you all continue to support this story by voting and commenting :) This story recently hit 14K which is INSANE! I can't thank you all enogh for all the support. It means a lot since I do work very hard on this story. Love you all, stay tuned for the last 4 chapters, coming soon. xx)

(P.S. Max Thieriot is the beautiful actor I picture our lovely friend Nash as :) I believe he is mentioned in part of the cast, and in the last chapter he was in. There is a gif on the multimedia area of him for this chapter ;))

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