"So, am I sick?" I asked

"It was just overfatigue" she answered while checking my records on her clipboard

"How many months left?" I asked her straightforwardly, making her laugh so I just laughed along with her

"You were just tired" she said so I just nodded

"I know how you hate every corner of this hospital" she said in a lower tone

"Oh, I hate my friends for bringing me here" I informally said

"But if they didn't bring you here, you wouldn't come and see me" she complained in a "as-matter-of-factly" tone

"Rhane, your body is weak, maybe because of what happened in the past, so please take care of yourself, I know you're strong but your body isn't" she talked in a serious manner

"How long has it been?" she asked, she didn't specify anything but I already got what she means

"10 months" I shortly answered

"and how have you been?"

"fine, as long as I have my friends with me"

"Hmm, if you say so" she responded as she walked towards the door "I'll bring them in" and went outside

"HIIIIIIIII" Marithe greeted in a high and energetic tone

I frowned at her "I hate you for bringing me here"

"You passed out, what do you want me to do?" she sarcastically answered

"You could've just brought me to the clinic" I reasoned

"Do you want them to give you an ice pack because you passed out?" Jeongwoo butted in with his answer making me laugh a bit

"Where's Haruto by the way?" I remembered he was the last person I saw before I lost consciousness

"He's gone, he gave his life for you" Jeongwoo dramatically stated

"What the prick, Jeongwoo? You're scaring her" Marithe scolded Jeongwoo

"He insisted he'd buy you food" Marithe explained while I hit Jeongwoo's arm

Minutes passed by without us noticing it because we were having fun talking about their whole day, they told me about it since I was asleep for the rest of the day, I also explained to them that I didn't have enough sleep last night and that's probably the reason why I fainted.

While we were in the middle of our conversation, the door opened so all of us turned to look at it and anticipated who was going to enter.

Haruto came in with a plastic bag in his hands, he greeted me with a comforting smile and a relieved expression.

"Jeongwoo and I will leave you guys some time alone" Marithe awkwardly said and pushed Jeongwoo towards the door

They both went out, leaving the two of us in awkward silence

"I really panicked a while ago" he said while handing out the food that he bought, I opened the tight and plastic lid that sealed the bowl of hot steaming soup and muttered a little "thank you"

I fixed my own food and started eating slowly, while we have small talks, I noticed Haruto couldn't eat because he couldn't stop staring at me, which made me really conscious about how I look like at the moment

"I can't handle it if you stare at me like that" I told him and avoided his gaze

He looked down and tried to hold back the laughter that would erupt anytime but he successfully hid it.

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