A New day🌺

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Azaad's Pov.

It's been aday since she left but every second she's drowning in my thoughts. I hate this craziness, no girl has ever made me this crazy like how she's making me be.

Lying on the bed thinking about her, I dozed off.

She came but eversince then she stopped talking about you. Maria.

Wait, She came, but when?.

Rushing downstairs finding Maria, i found out that maa gave her a day off. I dialled her number.

Maria; Goodmorning Sir.

Me; Morning, Maria i hope i'm not disturbing.

I asked impatiently.

Marja; No sir.

Me; Good, you had said she came to my office when was it?.

Directly i asked.

Maria; She who sir.

Me; Za...zamzam.

For the first time i said her name, feels good.

Maria; Yes sir it was four years back thats all i know.

Me; Thankyou. about to hangup.

Maria; Sir! after that day she was broken all i know it made her hate you, Thankyou.

She said hanging up.

Without changing I hopped into my car amd drove to my office.

Security guards seeing my car with full speed on they rushed before i knock the gates off.

Everyone's face dropped seeing me in, from bickerings to dead silence with my PA pacing to reach me.

"Sir you informed you won't be coming today", She said or reminding me fuck her!.

"Get me the last four years footage in five minutes", I inform walking.

"But si..", i stopped and gave her a deadly glare making her rush.

One minute early she handed me a drive and left. After three hours of checking i opened a clip, A blue hijabi outside my company, zooming in.

it's her tiny self

None of my security guards let her in instead they mocked her, Directly i connected tele with my PA.

"All guards are fired, I want them replaced before i leave from here",

I disconnect after my orders.

Meine Löwinnen(My lioness).

Watching her outsmart my useless guards and sneaked in made me smirk.

MARRIEDLY UNMARRIEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz