By this time, I was able to open my eyes. The girl was crying, and everyone just sat in their seats.

I took a deep breath and I just shook my head softly, not really knowing if I could answer her as I watched her cry softly, her face contorted in anger and her mascara running down her face.

"It's because he said that he found out he was gay! He told me that he had slept with a boy at this school. And even if he didn't say who, I kind of figured it was the school's gay slut!" She yelled at me again. I kept my gaze locked on hers and I just shook my head softly again.

"It's not my fault that he's gay. If anything, it's your fault for not keeping a better leash on him. I got what I wanted, whatever happens afterwards isn't my problem anymore." I said in a bored sort of tone. Things like this happened a lot. Let's just say that there's a lot of gay and bisexual guys here now.

I closed my eyes as I watched her raise her hand back to slap me again. And she did. Harder. Right on the same spot as last time.

I looked away and I sighed once more.

"You bastard. Don't you have a fucking heart?!" I smirked at the girls question, her voice trembling now.

I shrugged and looked back at her with a bored expression, a smirk ever present on my mouth. "Nope." Was my only answer.

The girl burst into sobs at this and I took this as my time to walk out. So I did.

I walked out of the classroom, and I walked to the nearest boys restroom.

Now my hair was gonna get all fucking poofy, and it was gonna look horrible, and I hadn't brought my hat or hoodie or anything.

I walked inside and I went straight to the mirror on the wall behind the sinks, the one that showed your whole body. I looked a fucking mess.

My hair was already starting to fucking puff up and my BVB muscle shirt (the kind with just the sleeves cut off.) was wet. I was also pissed that my bracelets were also wet.

"The bitch. The slaps weren't enough? You had to get me wet?" I asked the mirror.

I heard a chuckle to my left and I jumped, looking over... Only to see the male. The one from my dreams. The fucking sex god.

I let out a soft yelp as I backed up a bit and I stepped on something. I looked down and I realized that it was a school football duffel bag. I looked back up and I backed into a sink.

He gave me a soft smile and began to laugh softly. "What happened to you? Who's the, uh... 'The bitch' your taking about?" He said as he walked over to his bag and picked it up.

I shook my head and gave him a weak smile back, though my mind was racing.

"Uh, I... This girl, Candice, she threw water at me, then slapped my a few times. But the water was the worst..." I said quietly as I watched him look through his bag.

"Why is that? If you don't mind me asking." He said as he ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair and scratched at the back of his head in what looked like confusion.

I shook my head and stood up a bit straighter. "Uh, my hair gets really poofy, and I don't like that..."

He looked up and laughed a bit, then reached into his bag and pulled out a green army hat. He reached forward and it on my head, putting the strap of his bag on his shoulder as he fixed it so it fixed my hair problem. "There you go." He said with a half smile as he pulled away.

I looked up and I blushed softly. "I..."

He shook his head and gave a laugh. "Just return it tomorrow. Like, meet me at the end of my football practice. The meets right after school, you can sit up in the bleachers and watch if you'd like." He said as he waved softly and moved to leave.

I watched him and I went after him. I grabbed his bag strap and tugged softly. "Uhm... I didn't catch your name.... I'm Axel." I said softly as I looked into his green eyes.

He grinned widely and laughed once more. "The names Roxas." He said, then turned away once more, walking out of the bathroom without another look back.


{{Okay, how was it????

Was it good?

I wanted to do something else entirely at first, I didn't start with the "it was all a dream" idea.

But this idea seemed a lot better, and it made a little bit more sense then my other idea. But anyways, I already know what's going to happen, and you don't. There are definitely going to be more twists and turns. Someone may, or may not, die. And someone's gonna cheat.

Or not.

I don't know yet.

But I have to make sure that it all ends with the ending I want it to.

Which means, plenty of chapters to come.

Oh, definite smut in about, maybe three chapters... I do t know though. Depends on how much you love me I guess.




The Alpha's Emo ((boyxboy)) ((COMPLETED.))Where stories live. Discover now