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Alexis woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. A certain faceless man had remained in her thoughts all night. She knew how weird it was to dream of a man she'd never met before. As she lay in bed, she tried to put a word to her feelings. Fondness? Endearment? Liking? Friendship? Adoration? None of the words she thought of matched specifically to what she was feeling.

Corpse was battling the same thoughts. He couldn't get the mysterious Alexis out of his head. She was the female version of him, and for reasons, it was something he didn't like. Corpse knew he was messed up, he knew his anxiety stopped him from doing what he wanted. He wondered if Alexis had anxiety. He wondered a lot about her, and he wanted to know everything about her. And it scared him.

Alexis had risen out of bed because her stomach started to growl so she made her way to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of coffee. Alexis didn't like to eat in the morning, it caused her to get cramps and she'd be moody most of the day. At least, that's what she told her friends.

After she made herself a warm cup of coffee, she sat on the couch and browsed through her phone. She was glad she didn't have work that day, for more reasons than one. She couldn't push Corpse out of her head, and it shocked her.

Corpse didn't sleep that night, although he stayed tucked up in bed. Around ten AM, he got out of bed and made himself some eggs for breakfast. Corpse loved to cook, but he always had problems when it came to foil. He remembered countless times he'd tried to open the foil to make chicken or some kind of poultry, and the foil would stick to the roll and he wouldn't be able to open it.

Alexis hated to cook, which she saw as a good thing since she hardly ate anything. She blamed it on her low appetite, but that was a lie and she knew it. Alexis was the type to deny that there was anything wrong with her. She'd done this since she was a child, her fear of being a burden spouting when her father told her that her problems were just childish.

Alexis had been browsing through her phone for three hours when she noticed a message from an unknown number. Unbeknownst to her, Corpse had spent hours drafting a text to send to her. He wrote out several different messages but always deleted them because he second-guessed himself. Finally, after spending three hours coming up with the perfect message, he sent it and waited for her to reply. She didn't see the message right away and it made him worry. He put his phone down and tried to distract himself.

When Alexis finally saw the message, a wide smile spread across her face. 

unknown number

10:14 am

hi it's corpse

oh hey corpse

oh you actually answered

course i did
I'm glad you texted me

umm how are you

haha I'm alright
what about you Mr corpse man

Im alright too
kind of bored

if you want you can call me ill fill your boredom with randomness


Alexis wasn't sure if he was actually going to call her, but less than a minute later, her phone began to ring.

(Corpse talking is in this Alexis' talking is in this)

"Uh, hey."
"Hello, Corpse. How are you?"
"I'm okay. Kind of bored."
"You mentioned that. What have you been doing all morning?" Corpse laughed. She could hear him moving around.
"I laid in bed all night." He laughed. "Did you hear Sean saying he's going on a trip?
"He never mentioned it to me. Did he say where he was going?"
"No, just said he was going to surprise some friends."
"I wonder where he's going."
"I think he mentioned it after you hoped off last night."

The two of them talked for hours. Not about anything in particular, but Corpse asked different questions just to hear her voice. Alexis didn't mind doing all the talking, she liked to talk. Eventually, at 3 PM, Alexis told Corpse that she needed to go because she had to clean her apartment. He hesitantly hung up the phone.

Alexis hung up the phone with a smile.
Thinking about Corpse.

Alexis cleaned the kitchen with a smile.
Thinking about Corpse.

Alexis mopped the living room with a smile.
Thinking about Corpse.

Alexis vacuumed her bedroom with a smile.
Thinking about Corpse.

Alexis cleaned all the garbage from her car with a smile.
Thinking about Corpse.

Alexis did her laundry with a smile.
Thinking about Corpse.

Alexis drove to the store to pick up her dinner with a smile.
Thinking about Corpse.

Alexis thought about her chance of actually meeting Corpse, but they could live on opposite sides of the world. She wondered if Corpse would actually want to meet her. She knew she shouldn't be thinking about meeting him since they barely knew each other, but she knew there was no harm in thinking about it.

Thinking about their first meeting. Which one of them would be more awkward? Who would go see the other? Who would ask the other to meet up? She hoped she would meet Corpse soon, and it made her giddy just thinking about it.

I'm sorry this chapter is short, it's more of a filler chapter to show their feelings for each other more than anything, but the next chapter will be better. I promise. Anyway, if you enjoyed it, throw me a vote and tell me in the comments what you liked most.

(1) Chaotic Neutral -- Corpse HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now