His dominant was hard to please, it was something he had heard over and over but failed to ever experience. Maybe as time went on his expectations for Jungkook would grow, but as of now it was hard to connect the image of Jimin everyone painted and the one that he interacted with. Despite it being his job, he rejected a majority of the clients wanting to submit for him. He didn't train, had only dominated certain people outside of his work and wasn't impressed with anyone enough to make them a consistent play partner outside of a select few.

He wasn't unkind, not by a long shot. He was friendly and loved his community but rarely did he let anyone in it become close enough to him to be a part of his practice. However the difference was distinct with Jungkook, he was praised over the simplest of tasks. He was reprimanded of course, scolded more times than he wanted to admit. But despite his many, many mistakes, Jimin still was proud to call him his submissive.

Jungkook was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw the paddle be set down on the nightstand. Two hands grabbed at his ass, causing him to stir and wince, a cry falling from his lips. Jimin smacked the fragile skin with a laugh causing Jungkook to whine even further.

"Hyung it hurts!" He complained, attempting to twist away only for his tied wrists to be gripped and pulled back into position.

"I'm sorry Baby. Hyung is being mean, isn't he?" Jimin conceded, his free hand petting over Jungkook's hair gently before he pressed a kiss to the hot skin of his ass.

Jungkook didn't respond to the rhetorical question, just tried to relax into the mattress, shivering when he felt the lingering touch of his fingertips ghosting over his restrained arms.

"Color?" He questioned.

"Green, Hyung." He responded, relishing in the idea of getting to prolong his torture. Maybe he was a bit of a masochist.

"Good boy." Jimin praised, grinning to himself when he saw the man go slack, a quiet sigh of gratification filling the room. He picked up the flogger, his fingers running over the leather tassels. It was softer than some of his other impact toys, he had the deep desire to see how red Jungkook would turn from his braided flogger, but he didn't want to overwhelm him.

Besides, the more time they took to explore Jungkook's pain tolerance gave him more opportunities to break him down.

He ran the toy over his skin, watching in satisfaction when his submissive shuddered. He was so sensitive to touch, part of him wondered if it was the explicit lack of it that he got during his childhood that made him so hypersensitive to any sort of physical affection.

Jungkook whined in anticipation, cheeks reddening in embarrassment when the sound left him, burying his face into the pillow. Jimin didn't appear to like this, his free hand pulling his head back which made an even more shameful groan leave his lips.

Jimin raised the flogger up before letting it fall onto his submissive's ass, his wrist moving confidently with expertise as he trained his focus on his actions and Jungkook's reaction to it.

The brunette writhed against the bed, trying desperately not to move too much but no longer able to keep completely still. His skin was already so tender from the paddle that each swing of the flogger felt like a million little needles. It was growing more painful with each assault, but he was also growing more aroused by the pain. His cock was already hard but was now throbbing painfully, begging to be touched as it leaked down onto Jimin's bed spread.

The dominant seemed to take notice of this, reaching down to wrap a hand loosely around his dick, causing Jungkook to cry out, his legs shaking from holding back the urge to thrust into the fist. He was granted mercy by the man tightening his hold and stroking him over, the room soon filling with the sound of his moans and the slick sound of skin.

Nothings Gonna Hurt You Baby // jikookWhere stories live. Discover now