nice one..

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"can i tell everyone while you're at school" damon asked as i was getting dressed. my baby bump is actually started to show so i wore sweats and a lose t-shirt. "yes babe" i said kissing his forehead.

"oh god pansy it's 7am!" i said closing my eyes seeing her and blaise going at it again. "woah you good that's not you're usual style" draco said as i walking out of my dorm. "actually i need to talk to you two" i said pulling him and pansy that just came out into his dorm and putting a silencing spell on the door.

i lifted up my shirt just enough for them to see the bump. "woah alice are you.." pansy said, i nodded and she brought me into a hug. "i'm confused. is she what?" i was still staring at my stomach. "draco you idiot she's preg-" she got stoped by draco, "OMG IM GONNA BE AN UNCLE" he yelled and tackled me into a hug." this might not be good for the baby dray" i said laughing.

i'm taking a day off of school.

"hey dad.." i said walking into his house. he's been a mess since the war. "hey pumpkin what's up. did i ever tell you how much you look like your mother. like if i didn't know it i'd say you were her sister." he said walking out of the kitchen. "promise you won't be mad?" i said holding his hand. "um.. maybe why?" i said pulled away and looking at me. "i'm pregnant.." i said and my voice faded. "you're what!", "dad..", "OH MY GOD A BABY IM GOING TO BE A GRANDPA" he yelled hugging me.

6 MONTHS LATER (ik it's a long jump but :)

i'm getting closer to my due date. everyone has been dying to see her. yep a daughter. klaus's baby was born.. hope.. well not the easiest but still. teddy is 2 and loves hope. it's been a normal 6 months. i graduated from hogwarts with my friends. damon took photos of my pregnancy. i changed teddys name to, teddy narcissa lupin-black.

i was walking down hogsmeade with hermione and ginny

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i was walking down hogsmeade with hermione and ginny. we had to get away from our boyfriend/husbands. we noticed someone walking behind us the whole time. we left our wands in the car and was going to get baby clothes. hermione and ginny went into a store.

i was tapped on the shoulder i turned, "xenophilius" i said which was followed by a scream. he had a wooden stake to my heart he was digging into my skin. "you're the reason she's dead, my luna, is dead because of you!" he said almost touching my heart with it. "it wasn't my- fault.. harry.. killed her.." i said breathless. ginny and hermione came running out. "stop it!" sirius yelled coming out from behind a wall with all my friends.

the stake was about to get into my heart when more people showed up, xenophilius friends and family. i took that opportunity to grab the stake and pull it out. then spells were being throw by both sides. i was fighting next to harry and sirius. i grabbed my necklace i left a butterfly for damon so we knew i was in danger. then he showed up and started trying to get me out of there. i shot a perfect spell and hit someone knocking them about 100 feet back.

"nice one hazel.. i mean alice" sirius said smiling at me.

" Avada Kedavra!" lovegood yelled trying to hit me but sirius jumped in front of me. and if hit sirius instead. everything stoped. everything. i felt his body hitting the floor. my heart stoped. i collapsed next to him. "dad.. it's okay.. they are waiting up there for you tell him i said hi. it's okay go i love you." i said as my eyes started watering. " i love you mor.." he was gone.

i got up and headed straight towards lovegood. damon held me back. "babe you're pregnant you can't go after him" he said holding on to me as harry let out the most emotional scream i've ever heard. being held back by fred, george, ron, and ginny. "babe i'm sorry.. i'm stronger than you" i said breaking out of his arms. "lovegood. i did everyt- EVERYTHING i could i keep luna alive. you see the black roses everywhere that's because of HER." i said walking up to him. then.. my water broke.

"you're lucky i'm in labor right now or i would kill you" i said grabbing my stomach. "DAMON ITS HAPPENING" he vamp speed towards me grabbed me and left towards hogwarts for my dorm to get to the salvatore house.

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