"Poor, Cabbrieli." She murmured without noticing.

"Nessa!" Her mother, Jenna's voice brought her out of her trance. Suddenly, Vanessa remembered that she was at game night with her family. Oopsie daisy.

She looked up and hummed. "Yes, mama?"

Her parents, along with Eva and Lucas looked at her with wide eyes. "Who is Cabbrieli?" Jenna asked with a slight tone.

Lailah, who was eating animal crackers, beamed. "He's my tall friend," She answered proudly.

Vanessa laughed at her answer and softly pinched her cheeks. "You're so cute," She kissed Lailah's cheek happily. Lailah really liked Cabbrieili, it made her glad to know that he was nice to her little girl.

"Who's this tall friend?" Her father, Lucas Sr, asked.

Vanessa looked away from her baby and noticed that everyone was still staring at her. She wasn't sure why. She didn't say anything bad.

"Um, he's Reid's son." She was getting a little uncomfortable.

Eva pursed her lips and scratched her head. "I didn't know that he had a son, there's nothing about him in the news, or even on Google."

The room fell silent and they all stared at Vanessa waiting for her to answer.

"Why would this man be in the news or on Google? Who is he? He better not be a criminal or something crazy," Jenna's voice raised as she spoke.

Vanessa was ready to go home. No one yelled at her at home. It was just Lailah's sweet childish voice and nothing more.

"Is he married?" Her father asked.

"Why haven't we met him yet?" Lucas pressed.

Her eyes shut tightly and an image of Mason filled her head.

'Why don't I know what's going on? Are you keeping secrets from me! God, I can't believe you!' Mason's angry and loud voice filled her ears. 'We're supposed to be husband and wife! Stop keeping things from me! Why would they tell you and not tell me? This is just so unbelievable!'

She couldn't take this any longer. "No!" She screamed and opened her eyes, trying to get Mason's face out of her head.

The chatter came to a stop and Vanessa's heart dropped. Her hand shot to her mouth and she shook her head. "I-i'm so sorry," Her voice cracked from screaming. She never screamed, God, she hated screaming.

She picked up Lailah from her seat and rushed to her car. She wanted to just rewind time and keep herself from yelling, but that's not how life worked.

She was just driving. She didn't know where she was going to end up, but she didn't care. As long as she got away from her family.


"I just don't see why you need my property when you've just purchased land in Miami." Hayes said dauntingly.

Reid was over this process. It didn't seem like this property was worth the investment anymore, Hayes was ruining the joy that usually came with buying land.

By Grace[BWWM]Where stories live. Discover now