Part 2 - Chapter one

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Now that I've caught you up. I guess I should tell you what I've been up to. For the past 4 years I've been in Paris. My family told me I could come back after about a year of being over here but I declined. I found my own job and have my own apartment that I share with a good friend I met at the training retreat. I go to online school and I'm getting my degree.

Life is better than ever, I've never been happier. Really

"You're home!," Hudson said as I entered my apartment.

"Yes I am- I smell something good. What are you cooking?," I asked putting my stuff down. He made one of those faces he always makes before he tells me something I don't want to hear.

"It's not for you I'm sorry- I have a date and she's coming in like," he paused and looked at the time on his watch. "Now," he finished.

"Hudson! You should've told me before I-," I said but was cut off by a knock at the door. I groaned and picked up my purse. "This is the last time I'm doing this for you!," I said walking to the back of the apartment.

"Your fucking awesome!," he yelled as I was already making my way out. I flipped him off.

I left through the slim fire escape and walked to the front of the building to find the car we shared. He mostly used it. I prefer to walk everywhere and enjoy the beautiful city. No matter how many years I've been here I'll always enjoy the scenery.

My stomach growled as started up the car. I drove to my favorite boat restaurant right next to the tower. They served some of the best crepes and I was currently craving something a little sweet. They had the best crepes in Paris.

Just as I parked my phone rang which I answered after the car was turned off. "Hello?," I asked.

"Hey babe, where are you?," Peyton's voice says from the other end.

"I'm at the crepe boat place. What's up?," I ask my boyfriend.

"Well- I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner- I made your favorite. Penne allá vodka- but if you've gotten the crepes it's okay."

If there's one thing you never turn down it's Peyton's food. He is one of the best cooks I know of. He spent some time in culinary school and picked up so many amazing recipes. The crepes can wait- I need to go eat that penne allá vodka.

"I'm on my way give me about 10 minutes," I say turning the car back on.

Peyton and I met a few years back. Hudson introduced us a few years back. They went to school together back in London and Pey came here after a while. He treats me so well. I'm very proud to say he is my first boyfriend, he's absolutely everything I'd imagined.

He's so handsome as well, and polite. He's especially the sweetest to his little sister Prim. She comes in the summer and spends her summer break here with him. He's all around the perfect guy.

I made it to his apartment in record speed. He met me downstairs and I was greeted with a warm kiss. I'd never thought I could feel this way for anyone (besides my mate) but the way I'd get butterflies and that warm fuzzy feeling made it all worth while.

His arm was draped around me and we headed up to his apartment. I guess tonight I would be spending the night here with him. I'd rather not go home while Hudson has a date.

Peyton and I ate dinner and snuggled up on the couch and watched several movies. It was the perfect night after a stressful week of classes and work.

"Niko- Niko! Your phone- wake up,"I felt Peyton's face hovering over mine. I opened my eyes and he was directly over me. His green eyes boring into my darker ones.

I sat up and took the phone from him and answered. "Hello? Hudson what's up? I'm probably gonna spend the night here- with Pe-," I started.

"You need to come home now! There's someone here claiming to be from your pack and he's looking for you," he said interjecting.

"What?," I asked all the tiredness leaving my voice. "Who?!," I practically yell.

"A guy named Kaiden- If you know someone named Kaiden let me know- if not I'm kicking his ass out," he said. "Plus my date was ruined so if you don't know him I'm gonna-,"

"I'm on my way right now," I said and hung up. My heart started pounding against my chest and I started hyperventilating.

"Breathe- in and out what's going on?," Peyton asked coming to my side.

"My-my best friend from my old pack- the one I told you about he's here- at my place, Wha-," I was stopped by his focused gaze. The way he payed so much attention to me pulled me instantly out of any sort of ramble or anything. He actually listens- no ones done that before.


What am I going to do?

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