
"Y'all smoking on dick if you think you gonna be in my shit being annoying. Shut the fuck up and go to sleep or some shit." Vincenzo grumbled as he came out of the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Always stealing my lango. Now just say 'smoking on dick'

Nathan grinned at Giovanni while he clenched his jaw. I smacked my lips. I really wanted to see a fucking fight too.

Need some entertainment for this flight

Vincenzo looked over at me. "Why are you smacking your lips?"

"I wanted to see a fight."

"You messy as hell for that." He chuckled.

"You taking them parental vitamins?" He whispered into my ear.

"Yes, Vincenzo." I rolled my eyes.

He asks the same question every day and every day I tell him yes. I really want to beat him the fuck up for getting me pregnant with quadruplets. Like the fuck. Who gets pregnant with quadruplets? But that's okay though because for the first few months he will be changing all of the shitty-ass diapers.

His phone started ringing, so he got up and walked into a different area of the plane to answer it. I knew it was business so I didn't think anything of it.


When I woke up, the jet was landing. Mostly everyone had fallen asleep except for Vincenzo and Mekhi. When I walked by them I got a whiff of them and they smelled like a bunch of weed and Hennessy.

"What the hell were y'all doing?" I questioned ad I reached overhead to get my carry-on bag.

"Grown man's business," Vincenzo mumbled before kissing my lips.

"Mm-hm." I cut my eyes at him.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"Nothing," I mumbled while I still eyed him. It's giving very much drunk and high at the same time. "But goddamn, you need some gum."

All I smelt was weed and Hennessy on his breath.

He stale-faced me and I walked away laughing. I walked down the stairs of the jet and made my way to the car where Ryan and Alex were standing.

"Damn, what the hell." Vincenzo scrunched his face up. "Walking fast as hell." He mumbled.

He opened the door for me and I slid all the way in, then he got in.

"Give me some gum."

"No," I joked.

"Bruh, I swear." He mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

He mugged me. "Give me some gum before I take it. You were just complaining that I needed some now that I'm getting some you don't want to give me none."

"Oooh that last part, low key rhymed. Barssss." I teased, and he stale faced me.

"Alright alright let me stop playing." I got the gum out and acted like I was about to give it to him but quickly yanked my hand back when he was about to grab it which made my elbow hit the door.

I frowned my face up and rubbed my elbow. He snatched the gum out of my hand.

"Exactly what you get for playing too damn much." He muttered as he put the gum in his mouth.

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