'Dont get distracted Tsuki! You're on a dangerous mission!" She gave herself a small pep talk in her head.

She shook her head and placed her hands together to infuse her chakra and made a few hands signs
"Ninja Art: Chakra Transfer Jutsu!"
Her hands began to glow blue and she reach one arm over his right shoulder and the other under his left and pressed her hands against his firm chest, with her chin being forced to rest on his shoulder.

'WOW, he smells so good!' her brain continued to have intrusive thoughts nonetheless. Her face started to heat up again,'Get it together, Tsuki!'

"Wh-what are you doing, Tsuki?" Kakashi asked shyly as his own cheeks started to heat up in response to the sudden contact.

"Well I figured that Mangekyou Sharingan that you're using is eating up a lot of your chakra stores, so I'm giving you some of mine to keep it going."

"Oh well thank you" Kakashi said,"It's actually helping a lot."

A couple of minutes passed of infusing her chakra into Kakashi

"There, I think that's enough, you should save some chakra for yourself in case you have to fight." Kakashi said

"Got it" she deactivated jer jutsu,"I'm gonna jump off now but I'll be right behind you."

He nodded, and Tsuki unwrapped her legs from his waist and grabbed onto a timber above her head and swung herself forward to begin hopping behind Kakashi across the ravine.

"Kamui!" Kakashi yelled shortly followed by an odd-swirling portal forming in the air  around the Akatsuki member in the sky. The portal made it's way to the enemies arm and it suddenly just snapped off!

"You got him!" Tsuki exclaimed, impressed by Kakashi's ability. Kakashi stumbled at his next jump but luckily she was there to catch him, putting his arm over her shoulder and her arm around his waist to hold him up. He was panting and very obviously fatigued from using the Mangekyou.

"I...got his...arm...but.. I was trying..to send his whole body...into the portal." Kakashi said between breaths.

"Well it looks like he's gonna land somewhere so let's go find Naruto." She said struggling to hold Kakashi as he was a half a foot taller than her. They jumped out of the ravine and made their way into the woods as quickly as they could to catch up with the Akatsuki member and Naruto.

Jumping into a tree branch that could support both of their weights, they saw Naruto engaging in a fight with the Akatsuki member while his shadow clones tried to pry the Kazekage open from the clay bird's mouth.

One of Naruto's shadow clones jumped up on the branch to meet them.

"What happened to you Kakashi-Sensei?! And when did you get here Tsuki-sensei?" Naruto asked when he saw Kakashi looking like he was completely wiped out.

"My new Sharingan depletes a lot of my chakra so I'm weakened right now." Kakashi explained

"And Lady Tsunade sent me here as backup and it looks like I got here right on time. Naruto, Kakashi, tell me what you know about this enemy." Tsuki said, her grasp around Kakashi's waist unusually tight. She was incredibly skilled and quick thinking in battle so he began to divulge all the information he knew about this Akatsuki member while Naruto kept him occupied,"His name seems to be Deidera. Mid to long range attacks work on him best. His main Jutsu uses clay to form mobile birds or animals that act as explosives so don't let those get too close to you. That's all we've been able to deduce so far."

"Got it." She said as her eyes turned black, activating her Chojougan,"Naruto can one of your clones look after Kakashi?" She had this ability to go from incredibly sweet and soft to completely focused and ready to fight.

She leapt down and ran toward Deidera and began a mid range attack by shooting gusts of air and fire at him with various taijutsu style kicks and punches. The real Naruto was by her side assisting her in keeping Deidera occupied while a shadow clone Naruto pried open the clay bird's mouth. Once he was successful, Tsuki and Kakashi could see that Gaara was completely dead.  This sent Naruto over the edge and they could see the nine tails cloak begin to envelope his body.

"Tsuki, you need to get away from Naruto immediately!" Kakashi yelled. She quickly turned to him at the sound of Kakashi's voice and attempted to jump away but she was too late.  One of Naruto's tails had whipped and hit her in the chest sending her flying back into a tree knocking her out cold.

'Oh no' Kakashi thought as his body started to well up with anxiety. He started to panic. He hadn't felt this worried about a fallen comrade since Obito or Rin. It took every bone in his body to not immediately go to her aid, but he had to deal with Naruto first.

Kakashi jumped down off the branch, his body still weak from using the Sharingan. He pulled the paper seal Jiraiya gave to him to subdue the nine tails chakra.  He slapped it on Naruto's head and the orange cloak subsided. 

Kakashi laid Naruto down on the ground as he had fainted and started making my way over toward Tsuki. He cradled her head and placed a hand on her chest to feel for a heartbeat.

*Thump thump thump*

Kakashi let out a sigh of relief as her eyes fluttered open. A flush of pink danced across her cheeks as her eyes darted away and looked down at his hand on her chest. Kakashi pulled his away quickly and he felt his face flush from embarrassment

"I was just making sure you were alive" Kakashi clarified,"Are you ok?"

"Yeah." She groaned trying to sit up
"I'm fine, I just need to walk it off."

When Naruto lost control, he managed to knock Deidera back a good distance. But, with Naruto out, and Tsuki and Kakashi unable to fight. They were in going to be in big trouble if he made his way back to them.

Just as he was formulating a plan in case he came back, Team Guy showed up and seemed to be engaging in a battle in the distance. By this time Lady Chiyo and Sakura had joined us as well.

They suddenly burst through the trees as Kakashi was kneeling on the ground with Tsuki sitting crossed legged behind him. Deidera came running after them his body grower larger and bubbling up.

'He's going to explode!" Kakashi thought,'I need to use Kamui, but I don't have enough chakra.'

"Tsuki! Do you have anymore chakra to share with me?" Kakashi asked, desperate to get rid of the explosion.

Tsuki nodded and quickly made some hand signs,"Ninja Art: Chakra Transfer Jutsu!" She hugged Kakashi from behind pressing her gentle hands firmly onto his chest, giving him just enough energy to use Kamui one more time successfully getting rid of the explosion.

'I hope she can't feel how fast my heart is beating.' Kakashi thought as he fought to stay awake

Tsuki's arms then pulled him back slightly as she fainted.

"Sakura!" Kakashi called for her medical expertise,"Come look at Tsuki!"

"Relax Kakashi sensei. It's probably just chakra exhaustion." Sakura reassured him as she scanned her body using medical ninjutsu,"She's gonna be out for a while though. Why are you getting so worked up?"

"I-uh....I just worry about my comrades.  She gave me a lot of chakra to use my Sharingan to get rid of the explosion so I was worried it was too much." Kakashi lied to cover his tracks.  To be honest he didn't really know what the real reason he worried about her was. He just feel so...protective over her and he don't want anything else bad happen to her like it has in her past. 

'Is it because I'm just scummy and think she's breathtakingly pretty? Is it because we work so well together? Is it because I feel like I could trust her? Do I have feelings for her?' he contemplated as to why he was feeling this way

He brushed off his mix of emotions and began walking with Guy's help back toward the sand village.  Neji was kind enough to carry an unconscious Tsuki.

*Time skip*
Eventually thet made it back to the Leaf and Tsuki and Kakashi ended up in the hospital for a week before they were released.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now