Phone number

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The bed beside me was empty, no ellie. Only the soft murmuring of voices downstairs. I was still in my bikini, and my hair felt sticky from the salt, I craved a shower. Of course my room had its own en-suite bathroom, I was practically jumping with excitement to wash off yesterday's parade in the sea.

Once I was clean and smelling of the faint rose and vanilla soap Lisa had so kindly stored in my shower, I went downstairs. Not before looking in the mirror, i had a long baby blue summer dress on with a slit through one side revealing my newly tanned leg.

Once at the bottom of the stairs, I could see who the murmured voices belonged to. Ellie was sat up on the kitchen granite and Elias was hanging by the counter opposite her, the counter where he caught my glass.

"Calista your awake, perfect, Elias was just telling me about the bars and clubs in the area, I was thinking we could go tonight"

Annoyance prickled beneath the surface and I pushed it back down, I wasnt annoyed, I didn't have a reason to be annoyed.

"Yes that sounds great" I avoided him, his blue eyes would not capture me in their grip.

"There is the place I mentioned, and I know the guy, so I'll give you my number and if you show him, you can get free drinks" he said

They were both looking at me expecting an answer, i looked at ellie and smiled reassuringly, then broke my vow and looked at Elias, that stupid grin again.

"You can join us if you like" ellie said.

"No you can't, we have to do that thing I mentioned" I replied

"What thing?" She was confused

And I was getting irritated
"you know that thing" I pushed, I knew she had caught on now by the way she was staring at me.

"Oh right yes, well maybe next time" she directed her stare towards Elias

"Well I'm flattered by the invite Owens, but I already have plans"

"I think you've confused yourself, the invitation was not from me"

He stood up from where he was leaning against the counter, his top lifted up showing his refined abs, then settled back to it's original position.

He approached where I was standing, looked me straight in the eye, and started leaning towards me. His scent was intoxicating, minty and mixed with sandalwood. I didn't move. I needed to move.

"What are you doing!" My voice wavered, my heart so loud, he could probably hear it.

He moved further forward, his lips brushed my ear, my breathing stopped.

"Maybe if you moved you would know what I'm doing" he whispered.

Then he opened something behind me and stepped away, my body suddenly lacking that heat. In his hand was mug.

"Coffee?" He asked. His eyes were locked on mine, then on my lips.

He knew what he did. He played me. If he wanted to play a game of cat and mouse, then he had just made the first move. I had forgotten we weren't alone, ellie still sat on the Counter, looking at each of us, calculating.

"Well I better get going, I'm off to that port I told you about yesterday, the prawn cocktail"
She hopped off the counter and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder.

"Yes definitely, what time do you want to come over, we can go to that place with the free drinks" I might be annoyed with Elias, but a girl never turns down free drinks.

"Of course, I can drive, I'm hiring a rental with Maria today. Text me"

I waved her off as she started walking down back towards where she was staying.

"So?" Elias said

"So what?"

"Don't you need to ask me something?"
He lent against the counter once again, looking down at his imaginary watch.

"Oh yes for the drinks"

"Go on"

"Can I get your number for the drinks"

"Do you have any manners Owens"

I huffed, just picture the drinks, the drinks, the free drinks.

"Please can I please get your number please, oh and please. Was that better?"

"Well I'm flattered really, you already want my number and you've been here two days, I must've left a good impression"

I wanted that number, but I was not going to beg for it, certainly not from an arrogant arsehole who keeps grinning at me like an idiot. I turned to leave.

"Fine you can have it" he held out his hand.
He wanted my phone.

I unlocked my phone and held it to him, he typed in his number then snapped a photo for the contact. When he handed it back to me I read the name he had for himself. 'My really hot funny housemate'.

"Really" I said looking at him.

"What am I lying"

"No you are my housemate"

He laughed, a soft but hard laugh that rang through my ears and left and accidental grin in its place.


The Carson's had a pool in their garden, big enough to fit 100 people at least, and for today until I see ellie, will be my sanctuary.

I floated in the blue, allowing the water to spread through fingers, holding my hand.

The time went quickly. I was lying on a sun bed, reading my book when ellie returned with a bigger bag then before. Stuff to get ready I assume.

"Let's go get pissed and try and find our way back" she said. I want those words written on my epitaph.

A/N: I'm really excited to write the next chapter, it will be them at the bar and so on, and it's going to be a good one.

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