Accidental encounters

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"It's just me, Maria and her boyfriend, I'm just third wheeling the whole time" ellie pouted.

We were walking towards the beach, following the sounds of the sea and following the foreign signs as best as possible in Côte d'Azur.

"I mean mines okay I guess" I said, I didn't want to make her feel worse about her situation.

"Don't lie to me Calista, I know you have a smoking hot roommate"

"I never said he was smoking hot, how did you even get that"

"You said he had blue eyes dark hair and was really tall"

"Your unbelievable, you would get it on with any man with a heartbeat" she flipped me off and we carried on walking down the street lined with cafes and tourist shops.

We had both wore denim shorts and a crop top with bikinis underneath, beach ready. Shoes in hand, we stepped onto the golden sand.

"Fuck fuck fuck" ellie shouted and I said a similar string of curse words. We stepped back onto the cool wooden pathway.

"That's hot as shit"

"Nah really" i grabbed her hand and led her further down the beach to a shaded spot where the trees protected the sand from the suns impenetrable heat.

Testing the sand before, we put down our towels wanting to get into the sea as quick as possible.

This was a reason why me and ellie were best-friends, she was adventurous and fun. We weren't the type to sun bathe through the whole duration at the beach- although there is nothing wrong with that. We just preferred diving under the waves and grabbing each-others ankles until we were breathless and our eyes stung.

"Race you there" I got up before she had a chance to react, and raced towards the waves, the sand stung my feet as I exited the safety of the shade.

I turned my head to catch a glimpse of ellie hurtling towards me, but before I started to run again, she tripped over her own feet and face planted into the sound.

She was lying still on the ground, whilst I pissed myself laughing, then she lifted her head, her skin layered in sand, on her lips, in her eyebrows, I could of sworn I sounded like a hyena, falling to the ground in heaps of giggles.

I didn't see her coming, she zoomed past me jumping straight into the sea. I chased after her still trying to suppress my laughs.

"Shut up, we don't talk about that ever again"

That only made me laugh harder.


Lisa had given me her number in case I needed anything or was in trouble. It rang and she picked up after the 3 ring.

"Bonjour Lisa" see I'm basically fluent.

"Bonjour Calista, que puis-je faire pour vous"
*what can I do for you*

"Umm so I'm not sure what you said, but I was wondering if it would be okay if my friend came over so we can write up what we learnt"

It was a lie, I wanted to show ellie the house and ellie wanted to see who lived in the house, so win win.

"Of course, I'm not in at the moment, but Marco will let you in"

"Perfect! Merci Lisa"

The phone call ended, and me and ellie headed back to the Caron's house.


After ellie had stopped goggling about how big the house was, I took her to my temporary room and we wrote a brief write up of what we saw, our university required a short write up each day.

"Where is he then" ellie started.

"Where's who?" I knew who she was talking about, but I acted dumb, in hopes that the argument would seize.

"Cal come one, which ones his room"

"The one opposite mine, but he's probably not in."

Her eyes shaded over with mischief and I just knew she was plotting something that would end in my embarrassment.

"No ellie sit back down" her feet were walking towards my door and the door beyond that.

"I believe you haven't introduced me"
she opened my door and went out. I followed after her quickly grabbing her arm, her fist hovered over the door ready to knock, she didn't even need to.

The door Swung open, and a half naked Elias stood with a lopsided grin on his face. His grey joggers were hung loosely on his hips, his bronzed torso so perfectly sculpted.

"Hello ladies" there's that husky voice that vibrated through me.

Ellie stepped back, suddenly returning to her shy facade.

"Ellie this is Elias, Elias, ellie" he gave her an uninterested once over and his blue orbs returned to mine.

"Is there a reason your hanging outside my door Owens"

"I believe it's also my door as well, Caron"

His smile grew, like my irritation fuelled that excited look behind his eyes.

"Excuse me your in my way" he looked at the space I was taking up by the stairs.

I shot him daggers as I stepped past.

"Nice to meet you Allie" he said, god he just has this look that screams I'm-better-than-everyone-else

"It's Ellie actually" I corrected, but he was unbothered and continued down the stairs.

I turned back to ellie pulling her back into my room.

"God, close your mouth" Ellie's mouth hung open like she had just met a Greek god, maybe in her eyes she had.


We settled back onto my bed, sinking into the sheets. Tomorrow, she had told me that Maria wanted to take her to this port, with amazing prawn cocktails, and she told me she hoped that her boyfriend wouldn't come as she didn't know how much, kissing and "no you hang up" vibes she could take.

We fell asleep in our bikinis which had since dried from our return from the sea.

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