The thick air was still floating above the Scouts, and Isanna could feel the soldiers' dissension directed right towards the new trio. Commander Shadis proceeded to announce that they were going to be assigned to squad leader Flagon. 

Isanna knew that aside from having good skills and leadership, Flagon was more of the formal type and tended to lean more to strict rules and principles, so she wasn't at all surprised to see the blond squad leader bewildered at the Commander's decision. 

"Y - you're putting them on my squad, sir?"

"Is that a problem?"

Flagon stuttered, "N-not at all! I just thought surely they'd be placed under squad leader Erwin.." His voice faded at the end, giving the said blond a side glance. 

The Commander went on to explain that Erwin had already been assigned to support expedition command in maintaining their new formation outside the walls, and that he didn't have time to look after new recruits. After a moment of hesitation, Flagon eventually accepted Shadis' decision. 

After the official introductions, the Commander dispersed the soldiers and the platoon broke away, individuals going off to do their personal errands. 


The blond looked up just as he took off his jacket and hang it at the back of his chair by the desk of his office. His gaze met Isanna, who was lounging comfortably on the sofa with crossed legs and arms, her head tilted slightly to regard him. 

"I'm sure you know damn well those three - especially Levi," Isanna paused, narrowing her eyes at the memory of the said man, "aren't going to sit back like obedient dogs. And not to be insulting, but that guy could really kill you if he wanted to; this is coming from me, who fought him before."

Erwin lowered his gaze at the stack of papers on his desk as he took his seat. "I'm aware. They'll probably search my office for the documents containing Nicholas Lovof's crimes."

"And?" Isanna lifted a brow, expectant of him. "What're you gonna do about that?"

He met her eyes with his blue ones. "Nothing."

The girl blinked, registering his answer. "Nothing?"

"Yes," Erwin said with a nod, pulling the drawer below his desk open and taking out a scroll, "let them search for these papers - but they won't find it."

Isanna's curiosity peaked at the tone he used, as well as the mischievous glint in his eye, like the eyes of a cunning kid scheming something behind their parent's back. "Why won't they?"

"Because," he paused and lifted the document for her to see, "you'll be the one carrying this for me."

The raven allowed his plan to sink in her mind, her eyes shifting to lock on the scrolled paper that was tied to a red string. The paper containing the list of Nicholas Lovof's illegal dealings; this was undoubtedly what he wanted for Levi to steal, as well as kill Erwin in order to erase all evidences of his dirty works. But unfortunately for him, Erwin was already a step ahead. He always was. 

"Are you sure of that?" Isanna stood up and stalked over to the desk, stopping just in front of it. "You're entrusting something as important as that to me?"

Erwin arched a thick brow as he handed her the paper. "You and Mike are the only ones that I would trust this much."

Isanna's hand was just about to take the scrolled parchment when she paused at his words. She stared at him for a while, before eventually taking the object from his hand. "I feel honored," she drawled with a lopsided smirk as she lightly tossed the roll of paper before catching it. 

A Promise (An Attack on Titan Fanfic: Erwin Smith)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz