Never Will I Marry

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That's worth more than applause

"Aight lil Rich, you're all set" E handed Rich his books.
"Thanks Zeq, see you next week. Bye, Ms. Tate." Rich ran off to his father.

I smiled, waving Rich off before returning to my task. Watching E interact with the children was very interesting. He treated them like they were his little siblings, letting them call him Zeq instead of Mr. Everette.

"Why is it that little kids love to color the black and white books?" I spoke aloud to myself.
"Maybe because books without color usually bore them." E spoke.
"Hmm, and you're an expert on children?" I raised a brow.
"Well I am the oldest, you kinda pick up on things." He shrugged.
"Well you're not that much older than your siblings." I remarked.
"You have beautiful eyes." He stated.

I was taken aback, yet I couldn't stop myself from blushing.

"Uh.. thank you, E. Random, but that you." I smiled.

I walked around him to put a few books back on their respective shelves. Working with E was not bad at all, except for the flirtatious remarks he'd make out of no where. He never made me uncomfortable, however.

He's a good friend. A great friend. He's not as quiet as Myles, not as loud as Elyse, and definitely not like Maia. He's a fresh of breath air.

"J" he sang.

I turned with a smug look on my face.

"Now E, what could be more important than me organizing these Dr. Seuss books by color?"
"I still haven't taken you out," he looked down.
"Well, well, well. Is Mr. Everette asking me out a date," I smirked.
"No, j-just two friends enjoying each other's company. Besides, you don't want to want me anyways," he shot back.
"Want to want you? Boy, please. I don't want to mix business and pleasure- and what part of-"
"I just got out of a relationship do you not understand," he mocked my voice.
"Relax, J, I heard you loud and clear. So, is it a date?" He smiled.

I thought for a second. I guess it wouldn't hurt. But what if the date is terrible? What if he just wants to have sex? Not that I would mind because he's extremely handsome, but we'd still have to be around each other afterwards. What if-

"Ok first off, I'm not that kind of guy. You're beautiful and very sexy. I mean very, very sexy. You're so sexy—"
"Ok I get it." I blushed.

It's embarrassing when you accidentally speak out loud.

"Anyways, I wouldn't do that. Just a friendly date," he took my hand.
"Ok? Like you'll think about it ok, or you'll go out with me ok? Because we could just forget this conversation even happened, it's no big-"
"E! Yes, I'll go out with you," I giggled.

Without warning, he picked me up and spun us around before placing me back on my feet and running off. I was too shocked and amused to say anything and returned to my task. Oh brother...
"Girl, I'm here for it!"

Elyse just had to come bother me as I got ready for my "date" with E. It's no big deal, we're just friends, and she's not getting that.

"Elyse, he's just a friend," I sang.
"A friend you have a crush on," she rolled her eyes.
"Correction. I had crushes in high school, I'm an adult," I barked.
"Adults get up to watch Saturday morning cartoons," her head tilted with a pout on her lips.
"Girl, go to hell," I laughed.

Maia, thankfully, had a previous engagement with Myles, leaving my oh-so opinionated friend and I alone.

"I just think it's too soon, Lee," I stopped browsing through my closet.

This is a friendly date, but I'm very attracted to E. I would hate for this friendly date to turn into something more when I'm not ready.

"How can you move on if you don't, Nina? Don't you want to get married one day?" Elyse asked.
"I don't know about that anymore," I gave a sad chuckle.

My time was wasted for two years. It drained me more than I thought. So no, never, never will I marry. Maybe I was just born to wonder and explore by myself.

"Miss traditional? Miss old school? You don't want to get married anymore?" Her mouth fell open.
"I just don't think anyone would want to, tis all. Maybe I could date, even be a cat lady. But marriage? No way," I shook my head.
"I usually don't condone sex on the first date, but I hope that man splits you open so you can see the light," she raised both brows.
"Ew, could you be any more of a cringe?"
"You are supposed to have your happy ending, Nina. You've been through hell all your life. Take charge of it, and stop being a nuance to yourself," she scolded me.

She's right. I have to stop putting myself down. It's not me, it's them. I know my worth. Besides, I'd make a beautiful bride.

We spent the rest of the time finding myself an outfit to wear. I didn't want to be too plain, nor too sexy. I don't need any mixed signals going on tonight.
"Lee, leave my face alone! He said be casual," I pouted.

After receiving a call from E that our plans would slightly change and I should be casually dressed, I decided on a simple white tank top and blue jeans. Elyse still nagged about keeping my hair down and wearing makeup because "a woman should look her best at all times".

I could've just worn a hat whilst having my hair up in a ponytail.

"Nina, let me work my magic. You know I'm not into that heavy makeup anymore, anyways," she waved me off.

Continuing to torture me with her plucking and tweasing and filling, I sat still. Less work for me.

"And there, finite! You look beautiful," she cheesed.

I stood up to look in my vanity mirror. Not bad. Glad she kept it natural.

"I'm impressed, Lee. I don't look like I should be an extra in the How Will Know music video," I ran my hand through my curls.

She scoffed and nudged me.

"Girl, I told you- you know what. You tell me how the date is, I have one of my own. Ciao," she rushed out the door.

I shook my head, sighing. Giving my look one more glance over, I was satisfied with how I looked.

"This is just a casual date, Nina. You two are friends, nothing more." I fixed the straps of my tee, making sure my bra straps weren't seen.

I walked out of my room and into the living room to wait for E. I hope he stands me up, that'll give me a reason to never talk to him again.

Why would I not want to talk to him, though-

"J, open up!"

I felt my heart pound out of my chest. Ok, Nina, you got this. I stood up and dusted myself off before opening the door.

"Hi, E. Ready?"
"That's a question I should be asking you," he chuckled.

He held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed my purse and keys before giving him my own hand. We walked out and, still holding hands, I locked up my home.

And now we're off. But to where?

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