Prologue- Happiness

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1. feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
2. fortunate and convenient

Life is what you make of it. Many don't realize it, but time is never on one's side. So the time is now. Now is the time. Make the most out of life. Live for yourself and not others. It may be a journey, but it's a great journey to travel.

Janina Tate has yet to be on this trail towards happiness. She's young. She has a whole life ahead of her. That's what they all think, buts it not the case.

She will go through life pleasing others and putting their feelings above her own. Afraid of failure, disappointing others, and rejection, she is never in the now. Every move she makes, she thinks it will get her to the future. Alas! It won't.

But what must she do? What can change her fate? Making herself happy. She's always okay, but when does one get tired of being just okay?

Ezequiel Everette leads a different life. Always living as if he could leave this Earth the very next second. He's young, but life is too short. That's what they all think, but it's not the case.

He will go through life doing as he pleases, not caring about a single soul but himself. Afraid of failure, heartbreak, and attachment, he is always in the past. Every move he makes, he thinks it will benefit him at the moment. Alas! It won't.

But what must he do? What can change his fate? Making someone happy. He's never cared for anyone, but when does one get tired of being alone?

The two need each other, and will realize it in the most unexpected way. What will become of them? That's what we must wait and see.

Make Someone Happy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora