Promises, Promises

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The sound of applause is delicious

"Maia please, what Janina needs is a better man-"
"Elyse when you keep a man, then you can give advice."
"I can keep a man, I just don't want one. Now Janina, you need to tell that no good son-of-a-bitch-"

Here we go again. Another girls day spent talking about my relationship. I groaned, wanting so desperately to change the subject. It is embarrassing, to say the least, and I know they mean well, but my relationship is my business. That is, of course, unless I tell them anything, and I always do. Hypocritical, right?

I sat in silence, eating my food every so often, listening to my two best friends go on and on about Dorien.

Dorien wasn't so bad, he just makes mistakes as we all do. He can be the best boyfriend in the world sometimes. Some times. I grew agitated thinking about him, especially since the topic of him came up when I spoke on my disastrous night in which he promised me a night out, and instead went to the strip club with his brother, Corey.

"Look Nina, we just get tired of this same old shit with him." Elyse shrugged.

Elyse is a who I call a pimp. She always has a new guy on her arm and doesn't care about what others may think of it. I envied her lack of care. I always care. Why should I care?

"What Elyse means to say is that, well, maybe you two should have a serious conversation about his behavior. I bet you didn't talk to him yet." Maia raised her left brow.

Maia was our balance. Where Elyse spoke too much, and I spoke too little, she knew what to say and when to say it. I appreciated her wisdom. She was the only one with a steady relationship, of course.

How did the three of us meet? Well, Elyse and I were actually friends with Maia's boyfriend, Myles, first. We were a clique, if you will. Always together. When he started dating Maia, we dumped him and added her to our clique. He's still my best friend, and neighbor, though.

I nodded at Maia's words and kept quiet before speaking for the first time in a while.

"Listen girls, I hear you. I do. It's just complicated with the two of us working, then I'm in school-"
"And he's probably somewhere with some floozy while Corey's no good ass watches!" Elyse interrupts.
"Elyse! I'm sick of you. Ja-Janina, don't listen to her. Take all the time you need it is your relationship." Maia frowned at Elyse.

She only rolled her eyes. I shook my head and looked down at my watch. 30 minutes until my break is up. It wouldn't hurt to leave early, since clearly these two have nothing better to discuss. I rose from my seat, grabbing my things.

"Well, I have to head back to work. Here, lunch is on me, and I'll talk to you two later. Please behave!" I blew air kisses rushing out the door.

I exhaled once I felt the cool wind against my skin. Neither of them understood. Relationships are supposed to go through hardships. Maia got lucky with Myles, though. He's the perfect gentleman. Dorien was, then I guess he just got.... comfortable.

'Look Nina, we just get tired of this same old shit with him.'
"Imagine how tired I am."

Deciding to walk to lunch, I started my journey by foot back to the library. My mini safe heaven.

There, Elyse nor Maia could not bother me. Dorien would never step foot in a library unless it had a pole and half naked women. On Monday's, Myles stops by during my break to eat lunch so we can catch up for the week. He even volunteers to read for the little kid's after school program.

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