Party All the Time

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The praise of the crowd, it's exciting

"For Heaven's sakes, Myles, get her!" Elyse whined.

Needless to say, Janina had one too many to drink. Feeling uncomfortable upon their arrival, she figured a few shots would loosen her up. A few turned into almost twenty, and she had no intention of stopping.

She was dancing on anyone that came her way, male or female. Shaking the little bit her mother gave her, whipping her hair to and fro.

As if things could get any more embarrassing for her spectating friends, Janina's favorite dance song came on.

Groove Me

"Ahhhh, this is my SONG! Watch out now!" She screamed over the intro of the song.

As soon as the beat dropped she did her interpretation of Rosie Perez's infamous Soul Train dances.

She brought her legs together, dropped her top half of her body down whilst dipping into a squat, then popped up, moving her arms above her head on an O shape and moving her hips from side to side.

She moved from side to side, pumping her arms back and forth.

Her body rolled as she made a 360 turn, rolling it down to the ground once she was all the way around. Once down she stayed and bounced, waving her arms. Her arms came down where her left hand was on the ground and her right hand on the small of her back. She did a provocative move, bouncing up, around, and down. Every so often, she would keep her backside in the air and rotate her legs in and out, the butterfly of you will.

Her friends looked on in embarrassment and astonishment. Janina wasn't the party goer type. When she was out, she was usually sitting, bopping her head. This Janina wasn't herself.

This was Nina.

"Damn- ouch" Myles spoke after being hit by Maia.
"Myles, go get her!" Maia scolded.
"Hey she's having a good time, look at the guy dancing with her. He seems nice." Myles shrugged.

The two ladies turned to see what Myles was speaking of. Sure enough, a mystery man had found his way behind their friend, and she seemed very interested in him.

Janina's hips moved around while she pressed into him from behind. His hands stayed on her hips while hers were above her head, touching his. He kept his head in the crook of her neck.

Elyse scrunched her face and squinted her eyes. He looked awfully familiar to her. Once she realized who he was, her eyes went wide.

"Oh HELL no! Maia, come on." She dragged the other woman to the dance floor.

Elyse kept a firm hold on a confused Maia, but Maia did not protest. When they stepped up to the dancing acquaintances, Elyse tapped the man's shoulders. He turned to be met by a smirking Elyse, and an upset Maia.

Janina, unknowingly turned and cheesed upon seeing her friends.

"Hi guys, come dance with me and- and... who are you?" She finally asked the mystery man.

When he turned, Janina froze, then did the unexpected. She gave him a nice knuckle sandwich, knocking him down on the dancers behind him.

"That's for wasting two years of my life, you asshole!" She yelled before walking off.

Maia followed suit, leaving Elyse behind. She squatted down to his level before speaking.

"She's not running back to your sorry ass anymore, ha!" She stood, making sure to kick him as he laid there holding his nose.

"I can't believe he thought that was ok!" She slurred, ranting to her friends.

Maia rubbed her back, shooting Myles a look.

"I told you to get her, but nope. He seems nice my ass." She whispered, glaring at him.
"I couldn't see, I'm sorry." He pouted.

Maia rolled her eyes, watching Elyse approach their booth.

"I think that's enough excitement for the night. Let's get her home-"
"No! I-I don't want to go home. Le-leave me here." Janina stood.

The two ladies gave Myles a warning look. He sighed before standing, picking up Janina over his shoulder. Once she was on, the three walked out of the club. Oh, what a night they had.

Janina: 2
The world: 3
"Janina, stop that!" Elyse scolded from the passenger seat.

Janina had half of her body out of the back window, singing along to Vesta Williams' Sweet Sweet Love.

"How you kiss me..... kiss me..." Janina sang, now back in her seat.

The gang groaned. It took a village to even get the girl in the car, now she was making the car ride unbearable.

"TOUCH ME!" She rubbed herself, making Maia scrunch her face.

"If she starts getting frisky, pull over Myles. Elyse we'd have to switch-"
"Like hell we are! I know how she is when she's in this mood, I'll pass." Elyse giggled.

Janina rocked and caressed her body, singing for the remainder of the song until it ended.

"You're my baby!" She prepared to finish.

Once the song was over, Myles quickly turned the radio off, not wanting to hear anymore from Janina for the night.
"Myles, you sure you have her?" Elyse asked watching him walk inside their building with a sleeping Janina.

"Okay, okay. Be careful." She pointed at him.

Myles continued up to their floor. Once he made it, he placed Janina on the floor to get his key to her apartment. He opened the door and picked her back up, heading inside. Closing the door with his foot, he went straight to her bedroom and placed her on her bed comfortably.

Before he could leave, he heard her speak.

"When will I be happy, Myles?"

He stopped in his tracks, placed his hand on the door fame, then responded.

"Soon. You'll be happy real soon."

He soon heard light snores and continued out of his friend's apartment. He felt bad for Janina and only wanted the best for her. He saw her as his little sister, after all, and cared about her.

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