"Wow, Huey I never thought you would be bothered that Ceasar and Jazmine were a fake couple," Ming smirked. "Agreed you usually don't care," Hiro agreed. "Yeah it's very odd that you're bothered by Ceasar and Jazmine hugging and kissing but you're not bothered by the rest of us doing it, why is that?" Riley asked with his fake curious look. He knows exactly what he is doing at this point.

"It just really bothers me to see my two...best friends doing that type of stuff," he said making Riley smack his lips. "You would be the fake third wheel when you three tag along with each," Hiro joked as the others laughed along with him. Of course, Huey got upset and walked away from the group. "I gotta go you guys he's my ride," I pointed at Huey slowly walking away from the group.

I had to jog after him because he walked very fast. "Hey, Huey, wait up," I called after him. I had to get through a large crowd so that I could get to him. It got to the point we were outside where people were either socializing or leaving the school property. He was halfway into the student parking lot while I had to wait for some cars to pass by until someone was nice enough to give me the right away.

*HUEY WAIT UP!" I called out for him even louder as he finally turned around. He stopped and waited for me to get to him. I was almost out of breath trying to catch up to him. "Huey...you walk so fast," I said trying to catch my breath. "I was going at normal paste," he said pulling his keys out. "Yeah but you walk too fast," I whined.

"How far away are we from your car?" I asked him as he raised his key and pushed the lock button causing it to make a sound. I looked behind him to see we were standing right next to his car. I'm so slow! "Does this work for you or do you want me to pull up from here?" he rhetorically asked. "I think I can make it from here," I simply just said.

I went to the passenger side of the vehicle, waiting for the door to be unlocked by Huey. Twice, I heard the unlock button, and I got into the car for him to start it quickly. Huey began pulling out of the parking space slowly to see if someone was going to walk by. In our place, most of the students were gone, so we didn't have to wait in a long line to get out.

We were now on the road heading back to our houses to change so we can meet the others back at the park. While Huey was driving he was holding the wheel firmly in a rigid position. I didn't know if I should say anything because it was so intense you could slice it with a knife. "Umm Huey are you okay?" I asked him as he just started to slowly nod his head.

"Are you sure, you don't look too relax," I asked again as he had shaken his head? "Are you upset because of Ceasar?" I asked as he nodded. "Sorry, it just makes me uncomfortable when I see him all lovey-dovey on you," now that's understandable. He did tell me when we were semi-dating that he didn't like it when Ceasar and I were being a fake couple.

I don't blame him for being a bit envious. If he was fake dating a girl and they were doing romantic stuff I would be upset. So when we get to the park I'll just simply tell Ceasar we can't fake date because it makes Huey uncomfortable along with the rest of the group. I don't think Hiro, Ming, and Cindy care but Riley was pretty open about how he was disgusted by it.

"It's one thing if you're only doing this once just to make your ex-girlfriend back away, but doing it multiple times just because you can't say no and stand your own ground is pathetic. Plus almost all his exes be upset with you because they all think you guys are official along with the other kids at school and on social media. On the other hand, Makayla is always coming at you about some bullshit because her sorry ass can't get over Ceasar," he cursed.

"Oh wow, I didn't think you notice, though I shouldn't be surprised," I quickly said. "Of course I notice. I think everybody in the group knows that but they don't want to say anything because it's already obvious," Huey wasn't wrong, it was a bit obvious but nobody didn't say anything. "Kinda makes me wonder when he lost his virginity," I randomly said as he cocked his eyebrow up.

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