Chapter 17 - Theme park 3/3

Start from the beginning

We arrived back at the 'Tomb Raider' everyone relieved that Tubbo was ok. We stopped for a little while, making sure everyone was ok.
'Alright. Now that the scare is over, let's go get us some food.' Phil said, still with a slightly panicked voice. I made sure to keep a hold of Tubbo's hand. "I lost him once, there is no fucking way I am going to lose him again." I thought to myself. We made our way over to KFC and ordered a few meals for those that wanted KFC. We waited for them to eat and then headed to McDonalds for the rest of the group to eat.
'What do you want?' I asked Tubbo pulling him in front of me so he can see the McDonald's menu. He thought for a few seconds and then point at the chicken nuggets meal. I looked down to him and smiled. 'Of course you can have that.' I said.
'Phil! Tubbo wants the chicken nuggets meal!' I said walking over to the table. Phil sighed, got up and started walking to the order station before stopping and turning to us.
'And what about you Tommy?' He said.
'I don't want anything.' I mumbled.
I could already hear the voices in my head.

"Ŷøü'rę tøø fãt'

"Pęøpłę ŵįłł łãügh ãt ŷøu"

"Ŷøü šhøüłd łøšę ŵęįght ãłręādŷ"

Phil walked up to me, crouched down to my eye level and put his hand on my shoulder. I knew he was going to try and convince me so I looked at the ground to avoid eye contact.
'Tommy, I know we lost Tubbo but he's safe now. You don't have to worry. You can eat.' He said with empathy. I stepped back a little, making him drop his grip on my shoulder.
'I said I don't want anything' he sighed, stood back up. 'I'll get two chicken nugget meals, you don't have to eat it but it'll be there if you want it.' He said before walking away.

Tubbo ate his meal in seconds and I left mine on the table. I wasn't going to eat it. Just by being in the restaurant, I felt sick. Phil realised this, grabbed the meal from in front of me and put it in his bag.
'It'll still be here if you want it' he said. I gave an annoyed look before getting out of my seat, and reaching for Tubbo's hand. We walked out of McDonald's and continued our way around the park. Tubbo pointed to a few rides saying he wanted to go on them but we could already tell he was too small to be able to get on them. After a while, we found a few rides that would allow everyone on. They didn't have long waiting times, so we got on them a couple of times before we started to get bored of it and move to the next one.

It was starting to get less and less packed, as an announcement came over some speakers.
'Dear all,
The park will be closing in an hour, please get on your last few rides and start making your way to the exit. I hope you had fun and remember you are always welcome back'
We came up with a plan quickly. There was once last ride we really wanted to do before we left. 'Dragon falls' a water ride. This was the reason Phil packed towels, so we quickly made our way to the ride and lined up. It didn't take long before we got to the front and was instructed to get into the boat that was slowly moving. We all hopped in and could already feel the water in the seat, down our back and in the spaces where our feet would go. The ride took us through some scenery before pulling us up. It took us up a little bit before levelling off again, showing us the theme park for a couple of seconds. It stopped for a second and then we wizzed down the track causing a big splash, drenching us with water. It continued through a dragons mouth and then around some garden before taking us up once more, higher this time. We could see more of the theme park. All the families walking towards the exit or getting there last few things sorted. The ride didn't wait this time. We weren't ready for it, but we just went crashing back down the track into a lot more water. This time we were definitely drenched, but we could see that it was the end of the ride.

'I don't need you making my car wet, so put this on!' Phil exclaimed at me and Tubbo. Both of us running around trying to evade the towels. He caught us and wrapped us in the towels, we didn't fight it like we wanted to because we drained all our energy trying to evade the towels in the first place. We walked to the exit and said goodbye to the others and then headed back to the car. Me and Tubbo were basically half asleep even before we got into the car. This had been a good day. Except for losing Tubbo and Phil trying to make me eat, everything went well. I let Tubbo take the window seat again as I knew I would fall asleep. I looked over at Tubbo seeing he had already drifted off to sleep, and decide to lean up against him and do the same thing.


Hi! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I think I done well for this one. I'm going to start uploading chapters a little less, maybe once a day or something until I can get the 4 chapters out to you all. So I hope you don't mind. I will obviously try my best to get two out though!

Anyways, I'd like to thank everyone for 3k reads, it is so amazing that so many of you enjoy this story! I will continue to upload more and more chapters for a long time :)

Again, I'd like to thank everyone who joined the stream and followed! It means a lot. I know all of you reading this, in some way or another like minecraft content. Since this is literally about minecraft youtubers. So please come and check my twitch out! I think of myself as a dumber version of Tommy and Tubbo. I have said this before and I will continue to say it, I do hope to get big on these platforms and will be grinding until I either, do get big or just physically can't anymore. So might as well come and join now and be here from the start instead of being here late. That's just my opinion but hey! I'm dumb! So yeah, check out my twitch and YouTube by following this link.

Like always, if you have any comments/questions/concerns or advice you'd like to give. Then please feel free to do so. I am always wanting to get better!

I love you all.

Jake :)

Word count: 1771 words

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