Diary Entries 13-15

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September 18th, Saturday

Dear diary,

Okay I've been woken up from my slumber. We're going to this restaurant and its 1:00 in the morning. It's called "The Breakfast Pub". We just ordered. Well got to go, mum says no books on the table, bye.

Guess what 15 minutes until we get to the hotel. I will get back to you when we get there, bye.

We're at the hotel. We have three rooms. Each room has two queen beds. I'm sharing a room with May. Blake and Freddie are sharing a room. Mum and Jeff are sharing a room. Well I'm going to catch some sleep, bye.

It's around 10:00 am. Freddie and I are heading out to the mall. We're going to eat at the mall café. We're hoping to run into one of my old friends. My friends and I always use to go to the mall on Saturday's. We'd go to the coffee shop order latté's and get boy's attention. We'd go and prance around the café. And try on clothes we'd never buy. It was the funniest thing ever. I guess I was kind of popular in Willow Bay. Everyone adored me when I lived here. I was more open and fun I guess but it seems the move changed me. Well our taxi's here so I have to go, bye.

Hey I'm at the café. We just saw my friends Daisy and Glenn. I introduced them to Freddie. Now we're all eating at the café. My friends want to say hi.

Hey I'm Daisy; I'm invading your diary :P.

I'm Glenn and in invading too!

Okay so that happened. But, I've got to go foods here, bye.

You guys would never believe what I just did. I rode the carousel. It's near the kid area. I can't believe it. I felt so alive. I was waving my hands in the air and the kids looked at me crazy. I was screaming "WOOOHHOO" I gave Freddie a kiss. I just felt so empowered by my old friends. Anyways we're at the hotel now and Glenn and Daisy are with us. We're going to play truth or dare, so got to go, bye.

Okay I'm at a college bar. I was dared to come in here and ask a guy to order me a drink. Now I'm in the bathroom. So I asked the guy he bought it for me it tasted horrible. But I had to look like a college girl, so I took it like a man. I told the security at the door I left my ID at home, but he let me in anyways. Even though he had on this really suspicious face, maybe it didn't look like I was dressed for a bar. Oh, Glenn and Daisy are here to rescue me got to go, bye.

Okay it's almost 12 pm. Glenn and Daisy have left. I'm about to go to bed but first let me tell you what happened. Before the thing at the bar, we were at the hotel. I was dared to kiss Freddie. Then Freddie was dared to lick the floor. Then Glenn was dared to run down the hallway screaming. Then Daisy was dared to lick Glenn's foot. We all completed the dares. But then it went up a level. Daisy suggested we go into town, so we did. That's when I was dared to go into the bar. After that Freddie was dared to go in a girly and buy underwear. Then Glenn was dared to break a bottle in the store. Daisy was dared to sneak into someone's pool. After that we decided to call it a night. When Freddie and I got home I kissed him goodnight and now I'm in the room. May's in the shower. I'm in my PJ's about to go to bed so, goodnight, bye


Alice J.

September 19th, Sunday

Dear diary,

Today is the wedding we have to leave soon. It starts at 8 am. Anyways, I got in trouble, for the truth or dare and being out late and sneaking into the bar. How did mum know, she got a call from the Willow Bay police station. Anyways I don't want to talk about it I have to go now bye.

Okays so, I'm at the after party now, in the bathroom. I guess mum told May about it. And she started making jokes about it, things that are way too inappropriate to be written on this page, things about Freddie and me. So I'm in here getting away from this embarrassment. She embarrassed me in front of my favorite cousin. I can't believe her. I think she just walked in the bathroom. Yup it's her. Now she's banging on the door. Now she's making fun of me again. You know what I can't take it I'm out. Bye, I'm leaving the bathroom


Alice J.

Hey, it's me, May. Um, I don't really know how to do this diary thing but, I have bad news. Alice is dead. I guess I'll tell you what happened but it is really painful to talk about. It's been a year since her death. I blame myself but, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have made those jokes about her and Freddie. So we were at the table with my cousin, she was both our favorite and we always tried to fight for her attention. We were both trying to take the position as her favorite cousin. I thought maybe embarrassing her would put me in the lead. So I started making jokes about her and Freddie. She got upset and ran into the bathroom. I started sweet talking my cousin and getting her attention. But after a while she said I should go talk to Alice. I was upset because I was supposed to be talking to her about other things and not Alice. So I went into the bathroom and banged on Alice's stall. That's when I was cracking a couple more jokes. Then we started to argue and Alice burst out the stall. The stall door knocked me over to the ground. She got on top of me and started punching and choking me, pulling my hair. I did the same back to her. We were both screaming and yelling. Mum came in the bathroom, and our favorite cousin. They were pulling us off of each other. They pulled Alice up off the ground she was still trying to kick me. Mum moved me out the way before she could. She ran out the bathroom screaming "I hate you" to me. We all chased her out the bathroom calling her name telling her to come back. Even Freddie who was standing outside the bathroom door followed. She ran through the main doors. She ran across the street but didn't look both ways. The car was speeding and it tried to stop, but it was too late. The car hit her. After that everyone was screaming and going crazy. They were calling the cops. The driver of the car was balling her eyes out. I was just in shock I sat there in a chair for a while, just staring at everyone freaking out. Then I started to cry. I knew it was my fault. I could have stopped it somehow. But next thing you know we're at the hospital. They put her in an induced coma to stabilize her. Then they started running test, and they said she was brain dead. It was either, leave her on life support and have some really expensive hospital bill or let her go. We decided to let her go. After her funeral, the whole world seemed to be dreadful. Everyone at school was saying "sorry for your loss". I felt so horrible. My grades were slipping. I started missing school. Mum stopped coming home all the time. She couldn't stand to look at me. 6 months after her death, mum and Jeff decided they wanted to get married. I never saw Freddie after the funeral. Well actually I saw him in the hallways a couple times. But every time he saw me he went the opposite direction. After the wedding we moved back to Willow Bay. Mum thought it would help us stop thinking about Alice. It actually did, I made new friends and after a while I was happy again. But now we had to go back to Woodland Creek for her one year death anniversary. That's today I've been handling it well. We already visited her grave. Anyways instead of selling the house mum kept it for memory. I was going through some of Alice's old stuff and I found her diary and I read it. I also looked at our family photo album, and the pictures mum took before the dance was in there. Alice and I looked beautiful. She thought of you as a friend, diary, so I decided to tell you what happened. Well now that I've told you the story and I must go. Goodbye, and I'm sorry about Alice, I know it's my fault. Goodbye, for real this time.

Dear AliceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora