Diary Entries 1-3

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Dear Alice

August 29th, Monday

Dear diary,

This is my first entry in my new diary that mum bought me. You don't know me yet so let me tell you about myself. I'm Alice Johnson. I have a twin sister named May. We share a bedroom. I'm 16 years old. I live in Woodland Creek. I go Woodland Creek High. I guess I'm an outcast. We just moved here. Everyone loves May, but they think I'm a nerd. It sucks and the mean girls have already started attacking me. Worst of all, May's becoming friends with them; she sat with them at lunch. Will she bully me too? I hope not. Did I mention it's the first day of school and that I've only been in town two days? Anyways, we live in this nice cozy cottage close to the woods. I didn't get any good sleep last night due to all those creepy animal noises and my bed isn't set up yet so I slept on the floor. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day because I can't take anymore of this horrible life. I miss my old town, Willow Bay, I wish I could go back; I had so many good friends. Well mum is calling me down for dinner, in our half set up kitchen, well until tomorrow


Alice J.

August 30th, Tuesday

Dear diary,

So far today my sister is hogging the bathroom so I must get dressed in our bedroom. I'll get back to you when I'm heading to school, until then, bye.

Okay, I'm back. Today our kitchen was almost completely set up so hopefully tomorrow we won't have to eat canned food. So yeah breakfast was horrible but maybe the rest of the day won't be a blow. I already like English class, I love reading. I'm rereading my favorite book ever; I've probably read it 100 times in my lifetime, can you guess it, it'sAlice in Wonderland. Can you guess why.....okay it's because my names Alice, surprise, surprise. Anyways well be at school in a minute so I better go bye


Alice J.

May Johnson waz here are you mad I read your diary haha it sounds like you're coming so bye <3. BTW it was BORING! <3

Okay I'm back, please excuse my sisters ignorance. I wish I could erase that but it's written in pen. Anyways, moving on, were in the house now May's getting ready for a date with one of the "hottest" boys in the school so she got me back for spending so much time in the bathroom by doing this to my diary, so sorry about that. Anyways his name is Blake Branson; he plays for the school soccer team. Sure he's toned but he's a jerk he was making fun of a kid in the hallway at school. May and I are sophomores and he's a senior but he seems to only care for May's beauty and not what grade she's in. Oh yeah, DID I TELL YOU THAT May denied me as her sister in school, she said we're only sisters at home, and she hasn't really been too friendly at school. Just as I was hoping she wouldn't, she let those girls bully me and she laughed along with them. I was so disappointed, who am I kidding she's May; she doesn't care about me she cares about herself. I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry. I'm crying. Well bye, I better leave before my tears ruin the writing bye


Alice J.

Okay I'm back I was just experiencing a little emotional thing there. It's just it wasn't always like this. May and I were good friends back in Willow Bay, maybe she got tired of it, maybe she wanted a new identity. In Willow Bay everyone always expected us together and when we weren't they asked where the other twin was. We shared the same friends, shared the same face, share the same room, shared the same womb together, maybe she was tired of sharing, maybe for once she wanted something for herself....her own identity. Well I've got to take a shower, bye.

August 31st, Wednesday

Dear diary,

The kitchen is finally done, YAY. No more yucky breakfasts. Today mum made pancakes and eggs. It was yummy, the best breakfast I've had in days. We drove all the way here from Willow Bay and all we've eaten since we started packing for our new house was takeout and canned food. Mum is the best cook so not eating anything else but her food, when I wake up and before I go to sleep, makes me sick. Anyways everything today has gone pretty good, I had a decent amount of time in the bathroom YAY. But I have to go because mum and May are waiting in the car, bye, until after school.

Okay, I'm back and very surprised today was a great day at school beside's for those mean girls. I met a friend. His name is Freddie, he is nice and we share many of the same interest. He was interested in this book. He asked what it was I said it was my diary. He asked to read you one day, I said maybe. Maybe I actually will, who knows anyways were suppose to hang out at the frozen yogurt shop downtown so I have to get ready. Mum just called us down stairs, be right back.

I have news. Mum is going on a date tomorrow and she's finally all set up at her new job. That's the reason we moved to Woodland Creek, for her job. I'm so proud of her. But I'm worried about this date; mum hasn't been in a relationship since dad died, yeah it's been 6 years, but is she really ready I guess so. She seemed so exited. Well I got to go and I don't to want to get emotional before I leave, so bye


Alice J.

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