Diary Entries 7-9

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September 7th, Tuesday

Dear diary,

Today the school announced that we are having a dance. It's to celebrate the hope we've gained since 9/11. They want us to wear red, white, and blue. It's this Saturday. I'm excited I wonder if Freddie will ask me or maybe my secret admirer will, who knows. I can't wait until the end of the day. Well the bell rung so I have to head to 1st period, until the end of the day, bye.

YAY, I'm so happy. Another note it says, Dear Alice, if you want to know who I am, meet me at the frozen yogurt shop, I'll have a red rose. Also will you be my date to the dance. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE ASKED ME TOO THE DANCE! Now I really hope its Freddie. Please be Freddie, please be Freddie. Well I'm at home now getting ready to go the frozen yogurt shop. Got to go now bye, this will be my only chance in the bathroom, when May is texting Blake.

I know who my admirer is. I'd tell now but I'd rather tell the story. So I got to the frozen yogurt shop. There were few people there. I was in my faded black "I <3 hearts" hoodie, my blue skinny jeans, and black converse. I looked around there was an empty table with a red rose at it. It was the closest thing to what my admirer described. So I sat there and waited for 2 minutes. Then someone came out the men's bathroom, I ducked down so they couldn't see me. Next thing you know they were standing in front of the table. He jumped when he saw me pop up from under the table. It was Freddie. Just as I thought he was the admirer. "So it was you" I said. "Yes it was". Then he picked the rose up off the table and handed it to me. He sat down next to me. We both looked at each other, both silent. "Will you go to the dance with me" he finally said. I nodded. Then he grabbed my hand and held it in his. Then we stared at each other again. I gave him a kiss on the check. I told him "Thank you, but I have to leave or I'll be late for dinner". So he told me he'd see me at school and I left. This has to be the best day of my life since I moved here. This means I'm going to have to go dress shopping tomorrow. Well I have to get ready for bed so bye.


Alice J.

September 8th, Wednesday

Dear diary,

Me, mum, and May are going SHOPPING! I may not be as girly as May but I love shopping, when I can. I like sparkles and glitter just as much as the next girl. Anyways May's going with Blake to the dance so she picking out a dress as well even though she already has like 50. For instance today she was wearing a yellow tight fitting, spaghetti strap dress with a floral pattern. It's short and is made of silk material, and it flowed. It went in and out like there was an invisible belt making the shape. Two stands of her hair are pulled back from in front of her face held back by a bobby pen. The rest either flowed in front or back of her shoulders. Her blue piercing eyes brought out by the dress. She always looked great. Today she just wore some simple winged eyeliner and blush. Me I was wearing blue jean short shorts, a baby blue tank top, and my favorite high-tops white sneakers. We are about to go into the mall so talk to you about it later.

We went to a store called "Bedazzled". We went to the dress section. May picked up a royal blue dress similar the one she was wearing now, beside that it was made of cloth material and was sparkly on the top part. She went to the dressing room and I picked up a red dress unlike my sisters in was it went straight down but flowed like the one my sister had on now. Freddie and I decided on red today in school. He was going to wear a black tux with a red handkerchief, so I have to wear a red dress. Anyways, I was looking at myself in the mirror and I looked good. May and I both went along with the first dresses they picked. Mum rung up the dresses and we headed over to another store. This one was called "Shoe Dazzle". Do all the stores in this town have weird names? Anyways, it this very expensive shoe store. May picked up a pair of pearl white sparkly pumps, and plain royal blue pumps. I picked up pair of red pumps. I choose the red pumps, and May went with the royal blue pumps because she thought that the white ones would add to much glitter to the outfit. Mum, rung them up and, after that we went out for dinner. Good news, I guess it is, Blake and May our official. Other than the couple of interesting things that happened today was boring. Oh yeah, the whole house is finished, even our bedroom. Well I'm tired and want to get some sleep so goodnight, bye


' Alice J.

September 11th, Saturday

Dear diary,

Today is the dance, YAY. I'm so excited. I'm at home right now. May's in the bathroom so I have to wait. The days after shopping were boring. Besides for me and Freddie went out to eat at the frozen yogurt shop yesterday. It was a little bit awkward because now we like each other so we don't talk about friend stuff as much. But I'm going to try to kind of be like friends and lovers. I wonder if our outing was a date. I guess it is since we like each other. Who knows, but I have to go it's my turn in the bathroom bye.

Okay so I'm on the way to the dance. I'm in Freddie's dad's car. So let me fill you in, of course I was wearing my red dress and pumps, I was wearing my hair straight I flat ironed it. I put on some red and black eye shadow, some black eyeliner, red blush, and red lipstick. I painted my fingernails red. May was wearing her dress and pumps, black eyeliner, pink blush, and pink lip-gloss. She painted her nails blue, and was wearing silver earrings, she wore her hair curled. When went down stairs mum and Jeff were taking pictures. They made us take on back to back. May posed with her hand on her hip. I posed with my arms crossed over my chest. We both smiled and mum snapped the picture. The she made us take another one and my arm was around May's shoulder. Then Blake got here and gave May her corsage. Mum made them take a picture. Then Freddie came gave me my corsage. Then we took a group picture. Then May and Blake left and me and Freddie took a picture alone. After that we were in the car. He said I was beautiful and gave me a hug. Now we're almost at the school so got to go, bye.

The dance is over. It was fun I danced, and ate lots of snacks. But the best part was slow dancing with Freddie. We decided not to stay to the complete end, we left early. We walked to town and into the woods. The woods are so beautiful at night. Freddie let me write in you but now we've got to keep moving got to go, bye.

Okay I'm home now. So after I finished my entry we walked more. We came across this small pond. It looked so pretty with the moonlight shining on it. It was like the trees obeyed it and stayed outside its little bubble. There was a big boulder next to it. It was smooth so we sat on it. We overlooked the pond; a couple of ducks were on the surface. Freddie took my hand. We stared at each other both smiling. "Do you want to be my girlfriend" he asked me. "Yes" I said. Then I kissed him.....on the lips. It was so romantic, I felt like I was in a movie. After I kissed him I laid my head on his shoulder and we continued to look at the pond. But then we had to go after that because we started getting worried calls from our parents. I've been gloating ever since. May asked why I was smiling so much, I said no reason. Well I've got to get some sleep or I'll be tired in church. Bye, until tomorrow


Alice J.

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