Diary Entries 4-6

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September 2nd, Friday

Dear diary,

Not much happened yesterday so I didn't write. But I have news today. I let Freddie read you. I know I said I might not but it's time to let go of the pain and maybe having someone else hear what happened would help me get over it get it off my shoulders. After Freddie read you he gave me hug and said sorry I've been having a hard time since moving here and about the Jason thing. I'm glad to get off my chest and I feel much better. Now Freddie and me are in May and I's room. He says it's nice but it'll be even prettier when it's finished. Now were studying for an upcoming English quiz but I snuck off to the bathroom to tell you about this. Freddie's calling me now got to go inform you later bye


Alice J

The studying is finally over and Freddie says me and him will go hiking in the woods tomorrow morning so exited for it but now I'm tired and I need to shower before bed so bye until tomorrow.

September 5th, Monday

Dear diary,

The hike on Saturday morning went surprisingly good for me even though I haven't hiked in forever. After that we went home to take showers and meet up at this really cute café called "Coffee, Eggs, and Bacon" weird name, right. We talked about some upcoming school events and other stuff then he walked me home and we stayed there and talked a little bit more until he had to get home for dinner. At our own family dinner mum asked me questions about him, REALLY embarrassing ones, and of course May was laughing up a storm. But other than that and going to our new church on Sunday the weekend was pretty bland. But today was okay but something really crazy happened. When I opened my locker at the end of the day a note fell out. It said, Dear Alice, Roses are red, violets are blue, I really like you and your really cute! :D <3.A secret admirer note, I can't believe it. I out of all people have a secret admirer, its crazy who would have guessed. I wonder who it is. Wait a minute, would a boy really put all those smiley faces and hearts at the end. I think May did it. She was there when mum was talking about Freddie so now she's doing this. I can't believe her. For a second there she almost got me. Or maybe this really is a secret admirer note, who knows. Anyways mum invited over that guy from her date to diner. His name is Jeff and he works in the endorsing business. I have to have to dinner now alone because May's going out with Blake again tonight, so bye


Alice J.

September 6th, Friday

Dear diary,

Freddie and I hung out today. I told him about the secret admirer note he said I was pretty girl so why wouldn't I have one. After that I was blushing like crazy and I can't help but to think of me and Freddie as being more than friends soon, enough. Anyways, sure enough at the end day note fell out my locker door. It said, Dear Alice, Pretty face red cheeks she blushes to me, blue eyes like the sea she looks at me, blonde hair like gold it inspires me, she is my Beauty and I am her Beast. I just can't with the anticipation, I have to know who it is, and the things he says just have me on cloud 9. It can't be May she doesn't have a poetic bone in her body. Maybe just maybe, it's Freddie I was really blushing about what he said earlier. He's the only one around me to have to notice my features unless the admirer is stalking me, but I doubt it. Freddie is a great writer and is very artistic he writes a bit of poetry here and there so maybe just maybe, it's him. Anyways, mum announced that we are going rollerblading and invited Freddie. So excited well mums waiting in the car for May and I so I got to go, bye


Alice J.

I'm home. Rollerblading was awesome, I had fun. Jeff, mums new boyfriend showed up. Yup that's right there together now. But I skated with my family and friends and ate. I played in the arcade with Freddie. The best part was that Freddie asked me to dance one of during couple's skate, to a slow song. It was just so....romantic. I have to admit I think I like him, actually I do. I think he likes me too. I really hope he is my secret admirer. I can't wait until tomorrow I hope I get another note. Well got to go I'm in the bathroom right now and May has to use the bathroom. Plus I'm very tired so good night, bye.

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