w i n d e d

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'y/n watch out!',

Riley yelled before I got a massive kick in the stomach pushing me back into a massive concrete pole. I slowly slid to the ground as all the air in my lungs was completely knocked out of me, I looked around and saw Mac and Riley looking at me concerned as they tried to take down the man that kicked me. Bozer quickly came over to me,

'y/n are you okay?',

Bozer asked crouching down next to me, I shook my head as I struggled to breath whatsoever. I put a hand onto my chest and grabbed Bozers arm with my other hand as I felt myself feel faint as the pain grew stronger,

'just breathe okay',

Bozer said to me, his eyes widened as he realised how much I was struggling,

'Mac I don't know what to do?!',

Bozer yelled slightly panicked,

'I'm a little busy over here',

Mac said, Bozer sighed slightly,

'yeah well your girlfriend can't breathe over here!',

Bozer yelled slightly, I saw the colour in Mac's face drop. The guy he was fighting soon got kicked to the ground, Mac quickly raced over to me,

'Boze keep watch if anyone else comes in',

Mac said sternly getting on the ground next to me. He put his hand on my chest as I felt like I was slowly suffocating,

'y/n I can't do anything okay! you just have to breathe it may seem like you can't but you need to',

Mac said, I looked at him slightly scared. Mac slowly put pressure on my chest to help. Eventually I was able to breathe as Mac continued to put pressure on my chest, I winced in pain slightly as I breathed again. Mac had a look of relief on his face,

'glad to hear your breathing again'.

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