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'ah shit',

I said quietly as I tried to sit up, I moved my hand to were the pain was and began to look around the room. I saw Mac asleep on the couch, I smiled knowing that he did not want to leave my side,

'I am so glad that you're awake',

I heard Riley say, I turned and saw that Riley had just made her way into the room, she launched herself onto me, I groaned quite loudly in pain,

'please get off me',

I said trying to be as nice as nice as possible. Riley quickly removed herself from me before looking at Mac,

'this is the first time he's slept in 3 and a half days he has never left your side'

Riley said to me, I smiled at him, I went to say something when Bozer walked into the room,

'Well look who decided to wake up?!',

Bozer yelled smiling at me, I smiled at him. I looked over at Mac and saw him slowly wake up, he realised that I was awake and quickly jumped up. Mac rushed over to me,

'hey baby you're awake! how are you feeling?',

Mac asked me quickly looking at my monitors, I smiled at him,

'I'm okay Mac',

I said to him quietly, he made eye contact with me and shook his head,

'you gave me a real scare you know, don't get shot again?',

Mac said, I nodded my head at him,

'I can't promise anything but I'll try my best not to'.

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