s a t u r a t e d

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'why do I always have to end up wet?',

I asked beginning to climb out of the pool, Mac grinned at me as he reached his hand out to help,

'Get your mind out of the gutter Mac',

I said eventually actually getting out of the pool. Mac raised his eyebrows at me,

'you were the one that said it',

Mac said trying to justify his own thought, I shook my head at him trying not to smile, he looked down at my outfit,

'our outfits aren't too ruined',

Mac said looking at our outfits, I looked at him slightly unimpressed,

'speak for yourself',

I said to him trying to ring out my dress as it had been drenched, he moved his hands to my sides, I looked at him slightly confused,

'I'm just seeing how wet your dress is',,

Mac said, I nodded my head slowly and smiled at him,

'sure you are Mac',

I said as I felt him move his hands up and down,

'it's quite wet',

Mac said smirking, I shook my head slightly,

'I don't mind how wet the dress is but I do mind how wet this is',

I said putting my hand behind my back, undoing my bra and pulling it off. He looked at me slightly shocked as I handed it to him,

'it's saturated so you can keep that'.

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