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'are you able to explain to me why your boyfriend has been either ignoring me or completely rude to me?',

Riley asked sitting down next to me at the lab, I turned to face her and then looked at my boyfriend laughing slightly, she raised her eyebrows at me looking at me confused,

'well I don't know if you know this but my boyfriend has a few jealousy issues'.

I said trying to contain my laugh, Riley looked at me still confused, she raised her eyebrows at me,

'who exactly is he jealous of and why?',

Riley asked me extremely confused, I looked over at Mac who was watching me like a hawk with his arms folded. I laughed slightly before looking back at Riley,

'he is actually jealous of you because we have been sending a lot of time together',

I said to her, she looked at me in disbelief,

'are you for real?',

Riley asked me shaking her head slightly, I nodded my head and tried not to laugh. She got up and walked over to me, she grabbed my hand and pulled me all the way to the elevator not saying a word. We made our way down to the lab, Mac and Boze looked at us confused, Riley pushed me into Mac,

'Here. Have your girlfriend back',

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