s i d e

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'we need to get in there, so I need all of you to put your heads together and come up with a plan',

Matty said looking between us all, Mac stood up from his seat,

'I'll go in through the back door easy',

Mac said, I looked at him slightly confused,

'wouldn't it be easier for y/n and I to sneak in as girls for the party?',

Riley asked shutting her laptop slightly, I nodded my head agreeing with her,

'but why send two people in when you could send one?',

Mac said slightly cockily, he looked at me somewhat waiting for me to agree with what he said. I slowly looked at Matty,

'I think if Riley and I went in as guests it would give us greater access to what we need',

I said softly, I slowly looked at Mac slightly scared of what his reaction would be. I couldn't tell if he was angry or confused,

'uh you alright there Mac?',

Boze asked him with a smile on his face, Mac slowly nodded his head at me realising I didn't take his side before looking at Boze,

'yeah I'm just processing what just happened'.

macgyver imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon