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'you okay?',

Mac asked me as I stumbled slightly, I looked up at him and nodded my head slightly,

'Yeah I'm fine, that explosion blast just hit me a little harder then I thought',

I said raising my hand to my head to try and get my balance to come back and my dizziness to go away. Mac put his hand on my back,

'you got checked out by a medic didn't you?',

Mac asked, I nodded my head avoiding his eye contact,


He somewhat asked and somewhat stated sternly, I shook my head slightly. I could feel Mac's disappointment,

'y/n are you serious?'

Mac asked, I sighed slightly,

'y/n we are going back to Phoenix so that you can get checked out okay',

Mac said, I hesitantly nodded my head as I felt myself feel even worse. I shut my eyes slightly as I thought it might make me feel better as I was extremely dizzy,


Mac said to me, he put both of his hands on my shoulders, I felt extremely sick,

'Mac I really don't feel well',

I said to him moving my hand to my lower stomach as something felt wrong. I opened my eyes and Mac was looking at me extremely concerned,

'y/n let's go',

Mac said moving me towards his truck; he opened the passenger door and lifted me into his car shutting the door. He quickly raced around to the drivers seat,

'we will be at Phoenix in two minutes',

Mac said to me beginning to drive. Mac literally speed his way back to Phoenix, we quickly made our way in. We made our way to the infirmary,

'what have you done now Mac?',

A medic asked, Mac let out a slight breath,

'it's not me this time it's y/n',

Mac said pointing to me, the medic pointed to the bed,

'let's get her in here',

He said as Mac helped me onto the bed,

'where's the pain y/n?',

The medic asked me slightly concerned, I pointed towards my lower stomach. He nodded his head and grabbed an ultrasound machine, he lifted my shirt up and squirted the gel on my stomach. He began to look at the machine, he looked slightly shocked,

'what's wrong?',

Mac asked, the medic walked over and shut the door,

'Y/n you're pregnant'.

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