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'y/n wake up',

I heard Mac say as he stood at the end of the bed, I groaned and rolled over throwing my pillow at him,

'it's our day off why are you up so early',

I said trying to keep my eyes away from the light, Mac laughed slightly and he slowly moved towards me,

'I made us breakfast but you know if you don't want I can always call Bozer and invite him over to share it with me',

Mac said smiling at me, I slowly sat up smiling at him,

'you really know how to put me in a good mood don't you',

I said to him as I processed what was happening. I smiled at him before thinking about it,

'sorry did you say you cook breakfast? please tell me the kitchen is still standing',

I asked him slightly panicking and sitting up more. He laughed slightly putting his hand on my arm telling me to stay calm,

'okay so I definitely ordered it and got it delivered and was trying to pull it off as being my own',

Mac said smiling at me, I nodded my head and smiled at him again,

'To be honest I am glad because you can not cook'.

macgyver imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang