at trip to miami

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- one month later-


liked by Caleb_Floyd, Josh

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liked by Caleb_Floyd, Josh.Anderson, LilyCash and 23461 others

lexi.Jones a fresh baby is the best baby🤍


LilyCash 🤍

HayleyRose He is so cute

Caleb_Floyd 🤍

 I can't believe in almost a month I will be 18! I am so excited! Right now I am giving Bry a bath. He loves baths, he loves water period. rather it's a pool or a puddle he is all about it! I get him out of the bath and wrap him up in his little lion towel. He starts crying. He cry's everytime we have to take him out of the bath. He is totally fake crying.

"Oh bryton.." I say laughing

I walk him to our room and dry him off and change him. After changing him I comb his hair and giv him his bottle. After his bottle I rock him and put him in his crib.  I walk slowly and quietly out of our room and head downstairs to the basement. No one else is down there so I can facetime Caleb in peace! Yay! 

"Hey baby!" he say

"Hey!" I say back

"How was your day?" he asks me 

"It was good Bry and I just chilled all day." I say

"What about you?" I ask him

"Oh Mason and I went to the gym" He says

"Fun!" I say back

I hear Bryton crying! 

"omg I hear bry crying I have togo love you.!" I say

"WAIT!" he says

"Yea?" I say

"I'm coming to visit you next week, don't go anywhere!" He Laughs

"Yay! See you then love you!" I say and hang up

I walk back upstairs and rock bryton and he can't fall asleep so I just fall asleep with him in my bed.

-1 week later-



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