Chapter 46: O.F & E.C.M

Start from the beginning

The animal shelter was a little far from our house; about a 30 minute drive. "Do you think she's sleeping back there?" I asked Ben. "Probably, it's a little past her nap time." he said. I smiled. "What?" he asked, also smiling. "Nothing it's just-" I said. "Just what?" he asked. "I'm really happy." I said. "Me too."

September 28th, 2019
Allys Pov
8:30 AM

Ben and I were laying in bed together. Ozzy was at the foot of the bed sleeping, like he always does. "What do you think about having another baby?" Ben said, kissing my neck. "Oh my gosh! Really?" I asked. "Yeah! I mean your about to be a published freaking author and Carolynn would be a great big sister." he said. "Well then yeah we could try." I said. He kissed me and then rolled on top of me. I laughed, "Not now! Carolynns about to wake up and Ozzy's here." I said.

He laughed. "Plus I'm still on birth control so it probably wouldn't work." I said. "Hm you hear that?" he asked. I sighed, "She's up." I said. Ben and I got out of bed and walked to Carolynns room. "Morning." I said, kissing Ben. He kissed me again, "Good morning."

"Good morning Care-bear! How'd you sleep?" I asked as Ben and I walked in. "She's not in her crib." Ben said. I turned, "Found her." I said as I saw her playing with her toys. "Did you just climb out of your crib you little monkey!" Ben said, picking her up and tickling her little stomach. (I hate when people say belly or tummy EW idk I just hate it) Carolynn was giggling. Ozzy ran in. "Othy!" Carolyyn said, squirming in Bens arms. Ben set her down. I walked over to Ben, "I love our little family." I whispered. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and said "Me too babe."

"I'm going to go get ready for work now but I'll go make breakfast when I get back." Ben said. "Okay. I'll get breakfast for these two crazys." I said, picking Ozzy up. Ben chuckled and left the room. "Do you guys want breakfast?" I asked. Carolynn was pulling out toys from her toy bin, "Yeah mama!" she said. Ozzy barked in response. "Okay lets go downstairs then." I said, taking Carolynns hand.

I put Carolynn down in her high chair and turned on the TV for her. "Okay crazy girl, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked. She didn't respond so I just made her a bottle and some oatmeal. Carolynns very smart for her age. She knew a couple of words like mama, dada, yeah, no, and she was getting the hang of saying "Ozzy" instead of "Othy." I kissed her head and made coffee for Ben and I. I let Ozzy outside so he could go to the bathroom.

Ben was walking downstairs. "I made you coffee." I said, handing Ben a mug. "Thank you darling." he said, kissing my cheek. "You're welcome." I said.

November 11th, 2019
The house
11:48 PM
Allys Pov

Ben and I were about to go to bed when we got a phone call. "Hey Kev, what's up?" I asked. "Kara's in labor!" he said. "Oh my gosh! My nephew's coming!" I said. "He definitely is! We're going to New York Presbyterian so just meet us there tomorrow morning or whenever- OH and Kara said she wants you here for moral support or something." he said. "Okay, I'll be there in a bit." I said. "Bye Ally." he said.

"What was that?" Ben asked as he took his shirt off. "Kara's in labor and she wants me there. Ah! I'm going to have a nephew!" I said, kissing him. "Go! I'll be here with Carolynn. I'll meet you there tomorrow." he said. I smiled, "New York Presbyterian that's the hospital."

"Call me with updates!" he said as I was getting my coat. "Of course! Bye, love!" I said.

12:09 am

"Is my nephew here yet?" I asked while walking in her hospital room. "Nope not yet, but he should be making his entrance later tonight- or today." Kara said. I giggled, "I'm so excited to meet my little nephew!" I said, hugging Kevin and then Kara.

She smiled, "Speaking of kiddos, how's my niece?" she asked. "Ugh, she's growing too fast. She's a great kiddo she's definitely the best thing I've done." I said, smiling. "and now's Ozzy?" Kevin asked. "Also growing too fast he's only two months old but he's so big. He's such a calm little guy, sometimes I have to nudge him a little to make sure he's still alive. He's always sleeping, it's the cutest thing ever." I said.

Kara smiled more. "Have you gotten an epidural?" I asked. "Yup." she said. "I can tell." I said. She laughed, "I remember when you were in labor you wanted to kill Ben. I can see why now." she said. I laughed, "I told you so."

"So any little boy names yet?" I asked, yawning. "Yes three of them. Charles- Charlie for short, Mark, and Emerson." Kevin said. "Aww, I love the name Emerson. It's so cute!" I said. "Me too." she said.

My love
| Hey! Any baby yet?

| Nope just Kara and her pain meds

My love
| Oop, Carolynn's asleep and so is Ozzy. She had a little trouble falling alseep at first but I sang to her and she's fast asleep now.

| Aww I miss my little princess.

My love

Ally| Aww

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| Aww. Bring her by tomorrow- well today.

My love
| I will, darling

| Ooh dr's here gotta go. Bye, love.


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Ally.Fanky Guysss! My nephew has arrived! He's absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations to Kara and Kevin on their little miracle. I love you three so much!

*tagged* KaraLindsay1 and kcmassey1

Liked by plznfanku, KaraLindsay1, kcmassey1, and 8320 others

plznfanku OH MY!!!!

KaraLindsay1 I love you too little sister!!


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